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Suggestions on titles


Anyone have any good title they would like to recommend and have me try out? Wanna play something new and have no where to start
Kingdom and Empires
Breach Archangels
Path of martial arts
Aura Clash
Choice of two Cranes
War of the west
The Tournament
The Tournament 2
Breach Archangel Part 2
And many more


Well-known member
@xJDREDDx if your like me who loves magic and modern weaponry's try the holy trinity its awesome but its been so long since its updated o(╥﹏╥)o


Well-known member
@xJDREDDx if your like me who loves magic and modern weaponry's try the holy trinity its awesome but its been so long since its updated o(╥﹏╥)o
The HOLY TRINITY???? That one with the tsundere battleship?
Now I'm depressed. :(

Ahhhh. Guess a peasant youngling can fix that~



Well-known member
The HOLY TRINITY???? That one with the tsundere battleship?
Now I'm depressed. :(

Ahhhh. Guess a peasant youngling can fix that~

Ey don't speak about my battleship like that...ಥ⌣ಥ

But in all honesty its just the concept to me is intriguing you know just don't mind the tsundere battleship...( ̄ω ̄)