Choice of Mods

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Choice of Mods

In older games there used to be the psychotic yandere path. Alas, those days are fading away...
Thank you for clarifying it's in IF games lmao
I wish I could take those evil paths, i have no problem killing and maiming people in games if the person you're hurting is evil but i can't EVER choose mean/evil options to good/nice people ToT Which SUCKS... I wanna be an evil bean ;~; I'm too soft tho (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
@vanillaGlue What, did you think I was serial killer who boasts of it on the internet? 👀

choose mean/evil options to good/nice people
What is enough for me that these people are fictional. Words, some code. So it doesn't matter what happens to them. But I suppose that most people are too attached to fictional characters and feel bad hurting them.
To be honest if there is a way I can play a evil character I will always pick it...
I mean games always force us to be the "good guy" in games so if the game give us an option to be the villain we take it...ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ