Really epic story with a lot of unknown consequences around the corner for your actions.
Your character is a washed up retired cultist hunter who is not very reluctant to retire and you are recalled into service by a Galactic Union Naval Intelligence agent due to a conspiracy regarding a supposed terrorist attack on the Uvarov corporation. You end up facing more than you bargained for and end up receiving the title of terrorist by the locals and it's government all the while being hunted by your ex wife and a corporation that believes you know too much.
--Incredible Detail to Story--
Small things surprisingly have interesting changes in the story but typically subtle in most occasions which is to say the attention to detail is top notch.
I promise you, the story is worth reading and if you like this story you should try 'I, The Forgotten One'.
Spoiler/tip: Be sure to save your incendiary grenade the whole game until you manage to stop the FTL drive thingy. Assuming you plan to hunt down you know what. (Because you get only one and it's so early in the game.)
--Customization/Personalized Character--
It is also worth noting that the character is a semi pre-determined character meaning you don't get to choose some things regarding your character but it is 95% customizable. (not actually statistic)
The only things you can't change for your character is your last name in your alias and your codename. (Whiskey-4) You do however get the ability to choose your alias's first name, and your first name for your real name. (Your character has no last name for real name so dw about forced names)
It also worth mentioning that you choose your real name when your ex shows up so give it time if that's what you're looking forward to.