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Choice of Rebels: Stormwright moded?


Well-known member
I think that maybe that's not possible, because the version with the entire chapters is still under heavy development.


I think I need to be clearer, a while ago DeiA posted a "Choice of Rebels:stormwright" Wip mode menu. I downloaded it and tried to play around with it for a while, but I would get error signs not that far in the demo, and since Dei made the mod I couldn't have and fix it before the error. My inquiry is if anyone still has the mod in their files. I deleted mine by mistake.


Well-known member
I'm afraid there might not be any file for Stormeright in the forum anymore, except the links for the official demo.
Although, there could be a link in the Discord server.
However, let me check. @DeiArcana can you chip in?