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COG/HG/WIP where MC is a contract killer/hitman/assassin/government agent-assassin/serial killer/psychopath killer


Well-known member
I would really appreciate it if you list these games
Also pls try to mention the rarer
Most WIPs in this genre are, sadly, abandoned or disconnected.

Here the ones that I found:

- Mass Mother Murderer (not COG, it’s part of Tales)
- Seven Bullets (Not COG)
- NOLA Is Burning (Published)
- Werewolves (Published)
- Life of a Mobster (Published)
- Fallen Hero: Revelations (WIP)
- Hero or Villain: Genesis (Published)
- Blood Money (Published)
- It’s Killing Time (Published)

Jonathan Woodgate

New member
Most WIPs in this genre are, sadly, abandoned or disconnected.

Here the ones that I found:

- Mass Mother Murderer (not COG, it’s part of Tales)
- Seven Bullets (Not COG)
- NOLA Is Burning (Published)
- Werewolves (Published)
- Life of a Mobster (Published)
- Fallen Hero: Revelations (WIP)
- Hero or Villain: Genesis (Published)
- Blood Money (Published)
- It’s Killing Time (Published)
Played all of them actually

Jonathan Woodgate

New member
Respice Finem https://noahspickettfence.itch.io/respice-finem but the demo is very short. The author recently returned after a long absence and they say they are supposedly working on the game, but there is no new content yet.

The Operative: Fires of Revolution https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/the-operative-fires-of-revolution-6-19-2024-update/16556 ?

Whiskey-Four you probably know, right?
I actually didn't know about the Respice Finem, but played the other two
When did the author of Respice responded last time?