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@DanFabulich Mod Request for Fernweh Saga: Book One & Midnight Saga: The Monster


Well-known member
Hey Dan! Can you please mod Fernweh Saga: Book One(latest version is v1.0.11) & Midnight Saga: The Monster(latest version is v1.0.12)? DeiArcana modded them, but said mods are outdated. For some reason, the outdated version of The Fernweh Saga(v1.0.0 I think) won't launch on either of my devices. Thank you for your time. ♥


Well-known member
@Foulwarden Ma'am, stop being difficult. These hashtags are very unimportant, as there are just 7up's. The number your hashtag has played no role in how many up's there are in this chat, ma'am. I would really advise you to count again.


Well-known member
@Foulwarden Ma'am, stop being difficult. These hashtags are very unimportant, as there are just 7up's. The number your hashtag has played no role in how many up's there are in this chat, ma'am. I would really advise you to count again.
I feel the ate energy from you strongly childe, tsk tsk eat eat