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Does anyone know what's going on with the infinity series 4th book war of infinity?


Active member
I finished the other 3 books a long time ago and i thought that by now the fourth book would be here but it isn't do does anyone know anything about the author and why he stopped?


Active member
Hallo, He most probably dug a pitfall for himself by letting the player play on both sides of the war
Yeah that's a tough one to continue, i am glad there are more infinity lovers here, even if you are an elf hater and shall be massacred soon😊

Mr lol

Active member
I finished the other 3 books a long time ago and i thought that by now the fourth book would be here but it isn't do does anyone know anything about the author and why he stopped?
I mean the 3rd books takes like 7 years to write...and since Paul is working in another project now we can expect the fourth book to be.....perhaps 2029

Mr lol

Active member
Since war will probably be shorter (the whole reason the 3rd book is long is because of the whole politic shenanigan)


Late reply but after going to his forum, he is doing some top secret work(game?) with other people, he says that he will start writting the 4 book after this secret project ends (next year maybe?)


Late reply but after going to his forum, he is doing some top secret work(game?) with other people, he says that he will start writting the 4 book after this secret project ends (next year maybe?)
The update of this month is that he has writed 300.000 words of this new top secret game