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Elite Status Platinum Concierge 2023-07-27

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DeiArcana submitted a new resource:

Elite Status Platinum Concierge - Elite Status Platinum Concierge

  1. Install Steam.
  2. Search, download, and install "Elite Status Platinum Concierge Demo".
  3. Go to your Steam Library.
  4. Find "Elite Status Platinum Concierge Demo".
  5. Right click "Elite Status Platinum Concierge Demo" then hover "Manage", then click on "Browse local files".
  6. Navigate to "resources".
  7. Download this file.
  8. Replace the "app.asar" inside "resources" with this file.
  9. The game will still read as demo but you...

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Hackett Thrail

Well-known member
I can't seem to be able to download it something app.asar get downloaded instead
That's literally it my guy...

All you need to do to use this mod is download the demo version on Steam and replace its app.asar with the one you get here. And boom, the full game with a mod menu.


New member
Hello. As for me, the thing that gets downloaded is a 7z2401.msi file. I'd really appreciate help, thanks!