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Modding JSON to edit the Stat Menu?


New member
I like modding choicescript games and becoming OP in my multiple playthroughs. So That brings me here, to the mods choice, DeiArcana(thx for all your efforts) makes Mod Menu for CoG or HG games but unfortunately the mod menus don't get updates which is completely fine considering it can take a lot of time for Arcana to redo the mods for ALL games that gets an update. So what I usually do is I buy the game then using MT Manager I replace the original Choicescript stats with the modded one Arcana makes. And most of the time that works, except for some new updates that outright crashes when I open the Stats(namely Breach). I play the IFs in android as I don't have access to a PC. Usually I would try to mod the txt files but on the android apks the main folders are the JSON files(as only modifying them makes any change), and when I tried to replicate the modding process on the original it just gives me errors(which is understandable and lame considering I don't know JavaScript).
So my question is their any guide to edit the existing JSON? Or at least can anyone tell me how to do it? I searched all around Google for a tutorial but there's only tutorial about editing the startup and browser developer menu. Also I don't know if this is the right sub-forum to post this, correct me if I'm wrong, Thanks.
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