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Patron version of (Choice of Game Kingdoms and Empire).

Arcknight Tyson

Does anyone have link of patron version of (Kingdoms and Empire Choice of Game) or anyone know how can we access patron version of (Kingdoms and Empire Choice of Game) for free, if anyone know about it please tell me or post your answer publicly in public post or domain.

Arcknight Tyson

same as the public
Not same ,public have around 65k - 71k worth of contents whereas later on have around 306k - 401k worth of contents and NOTE that I'm taki g about old public contents not the newer rewrite shorter version which have around 11k - 13k worth of contents if I'm not wrong but the patron is still the same old contents around 306k - 401k cause I haven't seen any post of author regarding change in or rewritten new contents in patron version , though I might be wrong cause I've not checked it in a very looonnnggg time due to no new updates and very little contents.