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New member
I'm sorry if i'm posting this in the wrong thread but can someone help me? I'm playing the soul stone war mod but it's an application on pc. I wanted to add the save sytem from reddit ( https://www.reddit.com/r/hostedgames/comments/ztm1ur ) but i don't know how to on an application. I only know how to do it when it's on the web browser. Is there a way to do this or convert the application so it can play on the browser?


Outlaw of ChoiceOfMods
Approved Releaser
There is a way. It's a bit more complicated and involved, though.


New member
There is a way. It's a bit more complicated and involved, though.
I don't mind! If you can point me in the direction of a tutorial or when you have the time to write one or something if you want it would be greatly appreciated!