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Active member
Possibly unpopular opinion, but I am sometimes... disturbed by how... horny some people can be. Some Tumblr asks I see authors get are legit borderline uncomfortable to me... Gods bless those authors who can handle this, cause I probably couldn't.
First it was a push to have romances, now it's a push to have 18+ romances, or just the 18+ content without romances lol. Or without the story at all I guess judging from some asks x)
if they ask it, it's likely the author is open to it.


Active member
Not necessarily. Ive seen ppl asking certain authors for poly routes and those authors firm that they're not writing those at all. So,yeah, depends on each author. Some are very old school in how they were brought up.
I'm talking about nsfw asks, authors who answer them are fine answering them, otherwise they won't even answer it lol like the soul stone author


Thank you for the response and I agree with you. Nightmares and such are a common theme in horror IFs. I don't think it should be regarded as plagiarism.
(if it truly is Fernweh author that accused SHC author of plagarism). I’d like to add to this (since I read about the whole debacle of COG rn) that Fernweh author then could be accused of plagarising Superstitions author since it includes nightmares and general horror type of things and they had acess to it all before writing their own IF. I have read both Superstitions, Fernweh, SHC and I could not find the similarities between them except for horror theme. It was such a shocking thing to see on the SHC page and I was literally trying to think of an IF that they could have possibly plagarised and it never came across my mind that Fernweh author is the one saying that. Deeply angry at the Fernweh author for claiming plagarism and stunting the writing on such a good IF (tbh I barely heard about any progress on Fernweh front), the saddest thing is that the whole SHC is probably dropped and will never continue because of this. Seems like it’s time to drop Fernweh since the author is starting to be nonsensically problematic.
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