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Well-known member
It's in Blake's van scene.
#"Is it really worth the trouble? All of this? The show? The fighting?"
Blake doesn't react at first. Then, once the hotel comes up ahead, ${bhe} lets out a long sigh.
*if bgender = "female"
"St. Catherine Private Academy." $!{bhe} looks at you.
*if bgender = "male"
"St. John Private Academy." $!{bhe} looks at you.
"It's a school I used to attend. And I didn't have a great experience near the tail end of it." $!{bhe} turns away. "Let's just say, the past comes to get us all." Then Blake is smiling and stepping out of the car, leaving behind that vaguely unsettling comment behind.

Sorry if not spoilered properly, phoneposting
Reading this makes me want to peel back Blake's skull and just start rummaging around in there. Before I just assumed they were dropped on their head as a baby but there have now been one too many hints pointing to the fact that Blake's behaviour is somewhat... justified? Or they at least have a smidgen of a good reason for their actions and dialogue. For lack of better words I'd say they're an a**hole, but maybe not a 100 percent dick. Is that just me? (I haven't gone down the Blake route but boy, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted after reading that)


Well-known member
does anyone know what this is about? perhaps i should do a reread but i don't really have the time and it's been plagueing my mind all day lmao
Probably that g and Blake went to the same school since Blake's gender changes depending on G's. Blake also reveals the academy's name in their car scene.


It's in Blake's van scene.
#"Is it really worth the trouble? All of this? The show? The fighting?"
Blake doesn't react at first. Then, once the hotel comes up ahead, ${bhe} lets out a long sigh.
*if bgender = "female"
"St. Catherine Private Academy." $!{bhe} looks at you.
*if bgender = "male"
"St. John Private Academy." $!{bhe} looks at you.
"It's a school I used to attend. And I didn't have a great experience near the tail end of it." $!{bhe} turns away. "Let's just say, the past comes to get us all." Then Blake is smiling and stepping out of the car, leaving behind that vaguely unsettling comment behind.

Sorry if not spoilered properly, phoneposting
thank you!!