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wanna be modder


Active member
I wish they would take applications. Maybe train or give templates to people that are accepted. So modding will be done quicker plus the 2 modders won't be so overwhelmed. I have experience with modding but with unity based games and some other lib based modding.


I used to mod stat base games but only at the .startup and per chapter basis until i learned how to make a mod menu but it still f up my app sometimes due to code issues.


I wish they would take applications. Maybe train or give templates to people that are accepted. So modding will be done quicker plus the 2 modders won't be so overwhelmed. I have experience with modding but with unity based games and some other lib based modding.
While i have no idea how modding works, what i learned which applies to everything in life is

- Understand how it works and why it works that way, or rather understand the system and you'll figure a way to bypass and work on it.

I'm pretty sure they would be willing to teach you but no one's time is free, so neither is theirs.

Become a prominent member here and get close to admins and perhaps they'll do it for free.

P.S. if the game is on chrome, you can use chrome console to change stats by going to console and typing stats. And finding correct value then adding = of amount to add.