Kingdoms and Empires has published the patron update can someone please send it here ?
Mfer im still at work

When it updates everyone, please send me a DM of your thoughts and feedback if (when) someone leaks.
Ill uh, send it to the author.
Thank you all for still remaining interested after all this time, through the ups (updates) and downs (rewrites).
-Totally Not FatedFlame
PSA: Please support the authors whenever possible. There's authors that get leaked here that update far more quickly than KaE's author, that totally deserve whatever support you can give whenever youre in a position to do so. Support doesnt have to be monetary, it could be a simple inbox or DM to them that thanks them for their effort, it can be a simple reblog of their demo on tumblr, stuff like that. That's all, please stay safe in these troubling times.