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Favorite CoG title Tournament - Round 1 - Week 1

Itachi the Kinslayer

Respected Knight
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Approved Releaser
The title is already pretty self explanatory, participate in this tournament by voting for your more favorite game in each randomly drawned matchup

-Each round will last 7 days after that the next one will start
-Dont cheat by sending the link to for example facebook group where you will beg others to vote even though they probably dont even know what CoG is in attempt to manipulate the votes in favor of your favorite game so it can pass to the next round
-Dont cheat by voting several times, c'mon its just a silly voting tournament dont be petty lol
-If you dont know either game in a matchup i would appreciate if you read the premises of both games and than cast the vote, premises will be posted in this thread as well; maybe you even find yourself a game to play ;)

Tournament Bracket

Round 1 - Week 1 Voting

Call upon the power of your cursed Demon Mark to battle dragons, witches, and an undead army! Beware: each time you use it, the Mark grows stronger.

"Demon Mark: A Russian Saga" is a 200,000-word interactive fantasy novel by Vlad Barash and Lorraine Fryer, steeped in Russian folklore. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Once upon a time, in the land of Rus, you lived a simple life as the firstborn child of peasant farmers. But when the evil demon Uhin places the Demon Mark upon you and kidnaps your parents' second child, you'll set out on an epic adventure to reunite your family.

On your journey through Russian folklore, you'll confront the treacherous witch Baba Yaga, the seven-headed dragon Zmey Gorynych, the mythic giant Svyatogor, and the villainous Koschei the Deathless with his army of corpses.

Team up with the bogatyrs, the heroes of Russian folk tales: strong Ilya Muromets, pious Alyosha Popovich, and wise Marya Morevna. You and your talking animal companion will journey all the way to the Tsar and Tsaritsa's court in Kiev for assistance on your quest. Will the bards of Kiev sing the tale of your heroic victory, or your tragic sacrifice?

The Demon Mark is whispering to you. Do you hear it? Should you listen when it calls your name?

Sharpen your sword to save Hallowford in this sequel to "The Hero of Kendrickstone!" Monstrous creatures prowl beneath the streets of Hallowford. When the enigmatic Cryptkeepers Guild sends a call for adventurers, you must answer. You'll discover secrets in the crypts that are better left hidden, and a revelation that will shake Hallowford to its very foundations.

Cryptkeepers of Hallowford is a 360,000 word interactive fantasy novel by Paul Wang, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Step into the role of a veteran adventurer in a high fantasy world. Sharpen your steel, prepare your spells, and practise your silver tongue. Decide who to trust and who to betray. Discover lost secrets and forbidden magic. Ally with the powerful Cryptkeepers Guild, the town watch, your fellow adventurers, or follow your own agenda. Save Hallowford, or engineer its downfall for your own gain.

Will you be a good dog, or a scurvy sea dog? In this swashbuckling furry adventure, when nefarious pirate cats murder your mentor and steal the famous Corgi Pearls, you'll chase the cats across the seas to fetch and recover the treasure!

Pugmire: Treasure of the Sea Dogs is a 100,000-word interactive nautical tail by Eddy Webb, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

"Be a good dog. Protect your home. Be loyal to those who are true." — The Code of Man

Dogs, cats, and other uplifted species have inherited the world, untold centuries after the Ages of Man have ended. Now, in the kingdom of Pugmire, you are a recently graduated member of the Royal Pioneers of Pugmire, a group dedicated to traveling the more hazardous parts of the world to protect dogs in need, recovering lost knowledge and artifacts, and hunting down dangerous criminals. But when your trustee and patron Padraig Corgi is murdered by a dark wizard, and his family's treasured pearls stolen, it's up to you to recover the pearls and avenge his death!

You'll travel with fellow pioneer Sonya Pyrenees, a fearless warrior who has turned her back on her family's heritage in order to fight evil abroad, and Damian Borzoi, a ne'er-do-well ex-lover of Padraig's who wants revenge while having a good time…ideally with someone else's money. Together you explore the ruins of Earth with sword or spells in your paw!

As you strike out and make a name for yourself, and for your family, can you navigate the tense post-war politics between your kingdom and the enemy city-states of the cats? Will you embrace or reject the dogs who have cast off the leash of civilization? Are you a good dog, and will others see you as one?

Advance in Society and bargain with creatures in the Wood in a Regency fantasy of manners, daring, and magic. Will you join your daemon overlords in destroying your hometown or will you defy them?

Weyrwood is a 174,000 word interactive fantasy novel by Isabella Shaw, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

You are a fledgling member of the shabby-genteel, you've returned from your education to disentangle your inheritance from your small town's oblique magical property laws. Attend assemblies, call upon friends and neighbors, withstand scandal and intrigue, and court prospective suitors as if your life depended on it—for it does. Maintaining your status as a member of the Gentry and living among the Willed depends upon keeping your spina, a magical currency. Otherwise, you will serve as a tithe to the daemons and join the Fallen, their Will-less thralls.

Yet you cannot remain only concerned with your own affairs. Someone is tampering with the magical contract that binds Prosper, the Wood, and the daemons to the tenuous arrangement that you now enjoy.

Can you survive long enough to claim your inheritance and return to the City—or to remain in Prosper and enjoy the abundant blessings that wealth, freedom, and influence can grant you?

Itachi the Kinslayer

Respected Knight
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Approved Releaser
Steal and raise a baby war gryphon! Will you fight dragons together to save the empire, or defy the empire and lead your people to freedom?

Runt of the Litter is a 150,000 word interactive fantasy novel by Kelly Sandoval, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

The gryphon keepers hold all the power in the Empire of Vaengrea. They make the laws, patrol the borders, and only give gryphon eggs to their chosen heirs. As a poor stable hand, a "thrall," you know you'll never have a chance to prove yourself.

But then, you find the egg. Small, neglected, nudged out of the nest by a disapproving mother. But you can feel warmth growing inside.

Now your gryphon is in terrible danger, both from the other gryphon keepers and from a deadly plague that's wiping out the Empire's gryphons. Can you keep your gryphon safe? Where will you hide your new hatchling? Are you skilled enough to hunt its food or clever enough to steal it? Which of the gryphon keepers can you trust? How will you shape the young gryphon's mind?

Wyrm riders invade from the north on their fire-breathing dragons, the natural enemy of the gryphons. Will you and your gryphon fight in the war, seizing your place among the elite? Or will you defy the empire and lead your fellow thralls to revolution?

Can you keep a runt gryphon safe with the whole world against you? The life of your gryphon, and the fate of an empire, is in your hands.

Can you win fame, fortune, and romance as a playwright, before a deadly curse brings the curtain down for good?

The Play's the Thing is a 245,000-word interactive romantic fantasy novel by Jo Graham and Amy Griswold, best-selling authors of "Stronghold: A Hero's Fate" and "The Eagle's Heir." It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Become the official playwright at the Odeon, the most prestigious theater in Medaris. Here, high society gathers to gossip, frolic, and flirt. Dazzling special effects, enhanced by real magical enchantments, keep the audience in their seats. The plays you write have the power to manipulate public opinion, changing the course of history.

But as you're waiting for your first opening night, rumors begin flying. Deadly, shadowy creatures are stalking the city's streets. Mysterious accidents threaten your productions. It's a curse, people whisper—but only where the city's harsh ruler, the Raven, can't hear them. And to discover the roots of the curse, you'll have to dig deep into secrets that the city's nobles would prefer to stay safely buried.

The city's quarreling rulers have strong opinions about your theater, but they're also susceptible to its powers. Will you inspire them to save Medaris, or destroy it, as they destroy each other? Will you insinuate yourself into their hearts and minds? Will you expose their darkest secrets?

Will you write your way out of the tragedy that threatens your city, or call down the curse deliberately, carving your name in the annals of infamy?

Get ready, honey! You're a contestant on Drag Star!, the reality TV drag competition. You better throw shade, serve looks, and slay each episode to become the next drag icon!

"Drag Star!" is a 150,000-word interactive novel by Evan J. Peterson, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination (and sass).

As a contestant on the newest season of Drag Star! You’ll prove your skills on the S.H.A.D.E. scale: Smarts, Humor, Artistry, Daring, and Enchantment. Through celebrity impersonation, singing, dancing, costuming, and comedy, you’ll need to be sickening in every stunt to win it all. But how will you steal the show?

Enter the Twerkshop with your own catchphrase, meet your new drag family, and try to maintain self-care and integrity while still playing to win. How will you balance competing and bonding with castmates like Lady Kali, Scandal Dupree, and Dorian Slay? Oh, but there’s more. Not everyone is playing by the same rules—there’s a saboteur on the cast, waiting for the right opportunities to cause even more drama.

Will you emerge as a finalist and grab the crown? Will you own the catwalk and the title of Fan Favorite? Will your wig stay on while you whip it back and forth? And will you be able to save the show from a devilish saboteur?

Battle evil faeries and traitors at court to rescue the prince of England! Can you resist the call of faerie long enough to complete your quest?

A Squire's Tale is a 150,000-word interactive fantasy novel by Benjamin Appleby-Dean, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

The prince's abduction has tipped the country toward civil war, and your Lady has been sent on a secret mission to recover him. Save the heir apparent, and you could finally earn your knighthood and leave your squiring days behind. But when your search leads you to a magical market in the middle of nowhere, your loyalties and your Lady are put to the test.

Will you join with the faeries, or deny their existence? Journey further from court and comfort, or seek to rationalize the impossibilities in front of you? As you hunt for clues and amass allies, you'll master the knightly arts of music, combat, riding, and even falconry. Emerge victorious in the tournament, and you may even win a kiss. But stay focused on your questyou’ll need all your skills to survive the tricks of Faerie and discover the truth behind the prince's disappearance.

Do you trust the fair ones?

By the power of your blood, you and your ghosts will take over your crime family!

Blood Money is a 290,000-word interactive novel by Hannah Powell-Smith. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

When your cousin murders the city's most notorious crime boss—your mother—a power struggle erupts across the criminal underworld. As your sisters Octavia and Fuschia vie for control, you alone in the family possess the blood magician's power to summon and command ghosts. They hunger for your blood; if it's blood they want, then blood they'll have.

Will you take over the family business? Remain loyal, go it alone, or defect to a rival gang?

Spark romance amid secrets in a crumbling mansion! What will you sacrifice for love? Can you trust your own heart?

Noblesse Oblige: a Crème de la Crème Adventure is a 140,000-word interactive Gothic romance novella by Hannah Powell-Smith, a standalone story in the Crème de la Crème universe. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

On a windswept island, far from the mild shores of Westerlin, stands the estate that is your new home. You have been hired to work as a conversation partner for a lonely aristocrat. It is a profitable opportunity, and your impoverished upbringing and middling university education leave you few others.

But secrets lurk in every darkened corridor, and nothing is what it seems. Why does your charge go wandering in the middle of the night, haunted and mourning? What does the charming new secretary seek to uncover? Why is your elderly employer so intent on keeping outsiders from prying into the family's business?

Attend grand balls, ride through fast-paced fox hunts, spend jovial evenings with the servants, teach diligent lessons to your charge, and observe—or take part in—this northern land’s religious rituals. Meanwhile, there are webs of deceit for you to unravel, and deep mysteries to explore. When you reach the end, will you bring justice to those who deserve it, or keep their secrets buried forever?

And, of course, there is love: midnight trysts, stolen moments, and sweet warmth amid the cold. Your job on this remote island has just begun: will you work hard for a secure future or abandon everything to follow your heart?

Itachi the Kinslayer

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Take back your home world from alien invaders! Forge an Intergalactic Alliance (with untrustworthy allies) to reclaim your planet; blast your way to victory with an ever-expanding arsenal. Will you sacrifice civilian lives to exact vengeance on your enemies?

The Fleet is a thrilling interactive science-fiction novel where your choices determine how the story proceeds. The game is entirely text-based–without graphics or sound effects–but powered by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Will you return home as a military dictator, a prisoner of war, or the president of a puppet state? Will you even recognize home when you get there?

In the battle to save your people, will you defy the gods? In an ancient world where myth is reality and fate is relentless, your destiny will lead you to secrets no mortal should ever know.

Champion of the Gods is a thrilling 217,000-word interactive novel by Jonathan Valuckas, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based--without graphics or sound effects--and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

As you fight your way through a harsh landscape inspired by Greek myth, you’ll challenge monsters, soldiers, and even gods. Win allies with your humility, your haughtiness, or your powers of deception. Enjoy gifts from the gods, or refuse them all and face the consequences.

Will you earn favor from the goddess of love, or make the god of war your protector? Can you escape a watery death without divine intervention? And when you finally learn the truth of your destiny, will you overthrow the ones who made you, or will you become the Champion of the Gods?

Knock things over. Take a nap. Enslave humanity. Power, fame, and catnip are yours for the licking!

Choice of the Cat is a hilarious 600,000-word interactive novel by Jordan Reyne, in which your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

It's the biggest text-based cat simulator ever written. You can play it many times, making different choices along the way! As a rescue cat looking for a family to love and/or obey you forever, you find yourself sharing a home with a family on the brink of divorce. You'll learn to manipulate your owners, their neighbors, and even their other pets to get what you want. (The humans think they're in charge! Aren't they cute?)

Show your new family the meaning of unconditional love, rule by fear alone, or play them against one another for your amusement. Become a YouTube sensation when videos of your lovable antics go viral, or meddle from behind the throne as your owner begins to take over the government.

Who's an adorable, tyrannical kitty? You are! Will you sharpen your claws and mete out feline justice, or melt their hearts with purrs, meows, and cuddles?

"Fire the starboard broadside!" shouts the Captain.

Cannons roar as H.M.S. Courageous attacks the enemy frigate. As one of the junior officers--really, more of an officer in training--you command three guns on Courageous's main gun deck. The guns of the battery next to yours fire, leaping back against the heavy ropes that prevent them from smashing across the ship. Clouds of white smoke billow about you as you give your gun crew the commands to ready your battery's cannons: "Swab! Powder! Wadding! Shot! Run out the guns!"

The Captain yells out, "Fire as the guns bear!" You give your gun crews orders to load and fire as quickly as they can, without waiting for the rest of the broadside.

They swab out the bore, push in a charge of powder, push wadding down on the powder, load the shot, push the gun out through the gunport, and fire the cannon, with you commanding each step of the process. "Swab, powder, wadding, shot, fire! Swab, powder, wadding, shot--"

The world turns upside down as the enemy's broadside rips through the hull some ten feet away.

Face the world's fiercest dinosaurs and make it back to the future in one piece! You're a physics student with a dream: travel back in time and document the world of dinosaurs. Can you survive the terrors of the Tyrannosaurus rex?

T-Rex Time Machine is a 170,000 word interactive adventure novel by Rosemary Claire Smith, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

When you successfully convert your Land Rover into a working time machine, you set your sights on traveling to the age of the Tyrannosaurus rex, triceratops, and pterosaur where you'll study dinosaurs and film a thrilling documentary. The only problem is the competition: your rival and enemy Darien Vance has claimed your work for his own, accused you of plagiarism, and had you kicked out of graduate school. When you travel back in time, you'll have to prove you got there first, redeem your good name, and make it home safely.

Use your speedster powers to defeat the superpowered Sloth and save the day, all while tracking down a deadly new weapon threatening your city! There's no room for error in the hero business, not even for the fastest person in the world. One tiny mistake against your deadliest foe threatens to end your career and plunge your city in chaos.

Zip! Speedster of Valiant City is a 48,000-word superpowered interactive novel by Eric Moser. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

As a superpowered hero, you've beaten the Sloth before, but this time he's finally gotten the upper hand (claw?) and he's aiming his deadly new device right at the innocent citizens of Valiant City. It's up to you to stop him and his terrible machine before time runs out!

Harness the energy of life itself to empower your body, control your environment, even delve deep into the mysteries of the mind! Will you use your newfound powers to maintain the balance of the universe, or will corruption stain your soul?

Teahouse of the Gods is a 250,000-word interactive novel by Naca Rat. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

After one night at "The Teahouse" on Mount Qingcheng in Sichuan, China, you wake with the ability to perceive and manipulate spiritual energy, known as qi. Now, you can see gods and monsters that ordinary people can't, and you can unlock extraordinary powers.

On the path of the body, you can run faster, jump higher, and punch harder. On the path of the mind, you can create glamours and illusions that change people's perceptions of reality. And on the path of the environment, you can reach out to the world around you, from blades of grass, to the smallest teacup, to Mount Qingcheng itself.

Under the guidance of gods and animal spirits, you can perceive a sickness slowly poisoning the mountain and its inhabitants. When an ancient enemy returns to the mountain with vengeance in mind, will you be ready to join the fight? The mysteries of Mount Qingcheng are beckoning you.

Chosen by the gods, you must battle savage monsters, corrupt priests, and mad philosophers to save reality from the dark god of destruction!

Pon Para and the Great Southern Labyrinth is an interactive Bronze Age fantasy novel by Kyle Marquis, the first game in the Pon Para trilogy, where your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based—430,000 words, without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Years ago, in the Behemoth War, the forces of evil tried to destroy the world with Raun, the dark axe of destruction. Your parents united with King Hyras to win the Behemoth War and save the kingdom, becoming legendary heroes.

You have been raised far from the intrigues and corruption of the great cities–and from the plots of the gods. But after twenty years of peace, the pirate king Lord Vankred has found Raun. Under the threat of war, the gods grant you their powers. You must find the mad King Hyras and defeat Vankred before he can assassinate the King and shatter the Three Nations.

But the gods have their own plans for you, and so does the secret master of the Great Southern Labyrinth.

Itachi the Kinslayer

Respected Knight
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Approved Releaser
Make the movie of your dreams amid the glamor and romance of 1950s Hollywood!

"Hollywood Visionary" is a 150,000-word interactive novel by Aaron A. Reed, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based--without graphics or sound effects--and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

As head of your own movie studio, you call the shots: hire Hitchcock, seduce Garbo, build your studio into an Oscar-winning powerhouse or star in a B-movie train wreck. Control everything about your production, from genre to casting to building up buzz.

Do you have what it takes to become a Hollywood visionary?

Summon demons to win the French Revolution! Will you uphold the Republic, restore the monarchy, rule France yourself, or lose your head?

Revolution Diabolique is a 425,000-word interactive dark fantasy novel by Chris Conley. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

As a demonologist in eighteenth-century France, you study the world's most dangerous forbidden magic in the safety of your provincial estate. You can summon forth a breathtaking variety of demons: some creep subtly around your enemies to confuse and distract them; some appear as terrifying monsters; some guide you towards unlocking even deeper secrets of the universe.

Now that the flames of revolution are beginning to kindle, you cannot hold yourself apart from politics for long. Every faction—monarchists, republicans, peasants, intellectuals, anarchists—would love to benefit from your power. Where will you send your demons? Will you unleash their power on the battlefield to aid or hinder the Revolution's armies—or march on Paris itself? Will you lead a political faction with the secret knowledge that you have gained? Will you inspire a new cult dedicated to demons?

But all power comes with a price, and as you rise up, you will need to sacrifice something: your reputation, your fortune, your safety…or possibly even your life.

When the dust clears, will it be you who rules France?

Become the greatest fighter the world has ever known, harnessing the power of chi to manipulate the energies of the universe. Defeat rivals, find romance, and rise to become the Imperial Champion. Win the right to question the immortal Dragon Sage, who speaks just once every hundred years!

Choice of Kung Fu is a fast-paced interactive fantasy novel where your choices determine how the story proceeds. The game is entirely text-based--without graphics or sound effects--but powered by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

The fate of the Middle Kingdom depends on you! Will you play as male or female? Gay or straight? Will you battle against foreign invaders, or will you rise up against the Emperor? What question will you ask the Dragon Sage, the wisest of all creatures?

Negotiate water rights from scorpion gods in this necromantic legal thriller! Discredit your boss, solve murders, and reanimate your own corpse to keep your city from drying out.

Deathless: The City’s Thirst is a 150,000-word interactive novel by Max Gladstone, author of Choice of the Deathless and the Craft Sequence novels, nominated for the John W Campbell Best New Writer Award, the XYZZY award, and the Lambda Award. Your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based--without graphics or sound effects--and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

You won the God Wars, killing the rain god and taking over his desert city. But now the city needs water, and it’s your job to make it rain. As a rising associate at a god-killing public service conglomerate, you can monopolize your city’s public utilities, or fight to keep water affordable for everyone. Build alliances with powerful necromancers, or help local farmers hold onto their land. Find love, or betray your friends. Overcome the trauma you suffered in the God Wars. Prevent murders, or commit them.

Just keep the water flowing.

Steal alien powers and absorb their memories! Can you outlast your opponents to escape from planet Versus?

Versus: The Lost Ones is a thrilling 123,000-word interactive novel by Zachary Sergi, author of our best-selling Heroes Rise trilogy. Your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based--without graphics or sound effects--and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Become an interstellar warrior, gifted with the power to ransack the thoughts and abilities of others. Transported to an unfamiliar world beyond your wildest dreams, you must invade the minds of your fellow captives to survive.

Seduce Lady Venoma, a self-proclaimed goddess, or clash with Empress Vaccus, a tusked monster and the sworn enemy of your home world. Triumph in gladiatorial combat, or in the deadly politics of planet Versus. Absorb the right talents, and you just might save the galaxy!

Swing a sword, delve dungeons, and lead a resistance against the tyrannical queen of a war-torn fantasy realm. Will you be an elf, orc, dwarf, or human?

A Crown of Sorcery and Steel is a 450,000-word interactive novel by Josh Labelle. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

For centuries, the kingdom of Kanda has been at war with Queen Nidana and her infernal machines. Each day, farther reaches of the kingdom fall under her boot, overwhelmed by her enchanted army of iron constructs.

You're an adventurer, caught in the middle of a war that began before you were born. Perhaps you're an elf from the Sanctuaries to the west…which the queen's machines long ago burned to the ground. Maybe you come from Ridgebank, one of the last human strongholds. Wherever you're from, you now make your living helping people, plundering dungeons, or following the coin wherever it leads you. It's not long before you're invited to join the resistance and battle back against the dark empress. But will you rally the resistance…or ally with the queen and snuff it out?

Pilot and customize a giant iron war mech in this alternate medieval history! In 1182 AD, the Papacy, the Caliphate, and the Mongols are at war, and they all have mechs--hulking war robots, powered by energy from mysterious "skystone" meteorites.

Ironheart is a 250,000-word interactive novel by Lee Williams. It’s entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Our story begins in the far future, on a space mission to intercept a comet that can open wormholes through space and time. When your ship and the crew are sucked in and thrown backward through time, you awake from cryogenic suspension in 1182--at the height of the Third Crusade.

Trapped in the past, you must choose sides in the mech war between Saladin's Caliphate, the Catholic Papacy, and Genghis Khan's Mongolian Golden Horde.

Will you search doggedly for the rest of your crew or focus your energies on helping one of the factions in the war that rages around you? Do you seek to unite a divided land? Or use your advanced knowledge to gain wealth and power for yourself?

Along the way, you may meet historical figures such as Saladin, fight off attacks from the notorious order of Assassins and the secretive Knights Templar, or even take part in a grand tournament of mechs!

Unlock the secrets of the galaxy in the epic conclusion to the VERSUS Trilogy! Take your place among the gods with the superpowers you've stolen from them.

VERSUS: The Deathscapes is a thrilling 200,000-word interactive novel by Zachary Sergi, author of our best-selling Heroes Rise series. Your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

At the start of the VERSUS Trilogy, an unknown power imprisoned you on planet Versus, forcing you and dozens of other prisoners to vote for who will fight in deadly gladiatorial battles. Each prisoner has unique superpowers, but you started with just a single power: the ability to steal powers from others and absorb their memories.

Now, with the powers you've stolen, you can rival the gods themselves! You've stolen their power to fly, to fire beams of golden energy, and to dominate the minds of others. But you can't stop there. To find Dhanthik, the hidden savior of your homeworld, you must use your Full Absorb power on nearly every prisoner, unlocking powers and memories beyond your wildest dreams.

At the same time, you'll play the most dangerous political game of your life, outmaneuvering your longtime foes Empress Vaccus and the Bominate-and maybe even your own friends-to survive the Versus Vote.

Engage in the most intense MemoryTravel yet, voyaging to distant planets and to the deepest hearts of those closest to you, and finally answering the questions that have haunted you: Who is Dhanthik? Who brought you here to Versus, and why? Who are you?

This isn't just the end of the Trilogy. This is the climax of your story, your triumph, your apotheosis.

Itachi the Kinslayer

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Approved Releaser
Escape your captors…and endure your rescuers, but don't be late to the ball! When you are kidnapped, you must take charge of your rescue, and reclaim your rightful throne.

Kidnapped! A Royal Birthday is a 158,000-word interactive comedy by Charles Battersby, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Conspirators have imprisoned you in a tower, and are plotting to usurp your throne. And it's your birthday! Take command of the inept but well-intended crew sent to rescue you from your tower–a brazen knight, a snarky amazon, a cursed enchantress, and a humble peasant. Work together to escape your captors, outwitting your foes to make it back to the castle and regain your power as royal Heir.

But first: fight the three-headed chimera, the two-eyed biclops, and a horde of insatiable gnomes! (They're surprisingly dangerous after a few drinks.) Wield swords, magic, or fight with your wits and grace. If all else fails, pummel your enemies with a chamberpot tied to a stick.

Fangs and fireballs can't stop you; office politics might. When a supernatural feud threatens your city, it's up to you to save it with…bureaucracy!

Social Services of the Doomed is a 400,000-word interactive urban fantasy novel by Fade Manley. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

As an employee of the Department of Supernatural Social Services, it’s your job to mediate when a dispute breaks out between vampires and werewolves. Which is pretty often, these days. Tensions are rising in your city: not all supernatural citizens think that they have to abide by the law. Flocks of harpies are crowing prophecies of doom; wizards are slinging fireballs; trolls aren’t just having peaceful chats about tunneling technology anymore; there are demons in the werewolf dive bar; and something is up with the ley lines. Sometimes it feels like you’re the only one standing between the supernatural factions and a city in flames.

On the other hand, some factions are willing to cut a deal on the side, so if you really want the city to be in flames—and if you feel like that civil-servant paycheck isn't stretching as far as you’d like–you could make that happen. Every faction knows that you could be useful to them.

How will you handle it? Will you sneak, fight, negotiate, confuse, or just whip out some obscure county regulations? There's always more paperwork to be done, and if you fall too far behind, your boss might call you in for a chat about your monthly metrics. (Also, your boss might be a constellation. Don’t ask.)

In the great war between the gods, will you wield the chains of destiny, or shatter them forever?

Exile of the Gods is a 500,000 word interactive epic fantasy novel by Jonathan Valuckas, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Our story begins twenty years after the action of the first game, 2015's Champion of the Gods. Which ending did you get? Start this game as the Champion, a warrior born to serve the gods, and follow the holy destiny the Weavers have crafted for you. Or start this game as the Exile, enemy of the gods, and forge a new life for yourself in the faraway land of Khovros--where mortals are free to choose their own fates.

Champion and Exile alike must unravel a deadly conspiracy, and confront the brewing war upon their gods. Will you vanquish this invading force, or use its power to free your realm from its ruthless creators forever? Take revenge on the gods who exiled you, or steal this chance to prove your worth to the pantheon, and seize your destiny of glory?

The gods made you what you are. Now, you will show them what you are made of.

Take a scientifically inaccurate romp in pirate-infested waters! Will you prove to the Royal German Marinological Society that mermaids really exist?

The Daring Mermaid Expedition is a 71,000-word interactive novel by Andrea Phillips, author of "The Daring Adventures of Lucy Smokeheart." Your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based--without graphics or sound effects--and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

You are an up-and-coming researcher, tasked with proving the existence of mermaids in order to be admitted to the exclusive Royal German Marinological Society. With a member of the Society as your patron, you’ll brave pirate attacks and dubious academics to fight your way to Broken Shell Island and scientize the mythical mermaid kingdom. Play as a vengeful mermaid-hater, dispassionate scientist, or soft-hearted daydreamer. Or just chuck it all and embrace piracy on the crew of the infamous Lucy Smokeheart herself!

Will you join the illustrious ranks of the Society, or wind up in prison for scientific fraud? Spend the rest of your life living underwater, or be devoured by carnivorous fish-people?

You’re on a mermaid expedition—it’s time to sink or swim.

Jump to hyperspace aboard the Lady Luck, the fastest starship in the galaxy! Join her ragtag crew of space pirates, or infiltrate their ranks, working undercover for the Galactic Police.

Treasure Seekers of Lady Luck is an interactive sci-fi novel by Christopher Brendel, where your choices determine how the story proceeds. The game is entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—but driven by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

The fate of the ship rests in your hands! Will you play as male or female? Gay or straight? Will you unlock the mystery hidden in the heart of the ship?

Fight on the front lines of the war between humanity and the hideous Blobs! (Not that anyone has actually seen a Blob up close, but everyone knows they have tentacles. Surely they’re hideous!) Go on stealth missions, run alien blockades, and investigate mysterious planets, "aided" by Lloyd, your insufferably obnoxious shipboard computer.

Choice of the Star Captain is the hilarious interactive science-fiction novel where your choices control the story. The game is entirely text-based--without graphics or sound effects--and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Humanity needs you, Star Captain! Will you defeat the Blobs and come home as a war hero? Will you uncover the secret that sparked the Blob invasion? Will you serve as ambassador and convince the Blobs to spare the human race? The choice is yours.

Itachi the Kinslayer

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Blast spirits out of a haunted subway system! Can your team defeat rival exterminators, shoddy gear, and City Hall?

You've been a daemon dissipator for years, carrying a rainbow blaster and learning the ins and outs of magic to zap electromagnetic monsters into static. After following the jobs from one end of Septenland to the other, you've settled down here in Barrington: an old city. A weird city. A city boiling with spirits, specters, and daemons. It's the perfect place to start a company of your own.

The Luminous Underground is a 660,000-word interactive secondary-world science fantasy novel by Phoebe Barton, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Your team is just you and McCowan, your friend and business partner, but it's hard for two people to run an operation like this. When you applied for a contract with the Barrington Transit Commission, you didn't expect anything but a flat rejection. But you got it! And now you've got to find more teammates, sharpen your skills, and put a dent in the spirit population while staying well clear of the electrified rail.

But you'll find that Barrington's underground is much more than its tunnels. There's a forest down here, teeming with crystalline trees that glitter under your flashlight. There's a portal to the Vitalscape, a super-luminous alternative realm of being. You can enter it through a mural, but you'll need a crystal tuning fork to get back. There are giants, robots, daemons, and even a giant robot daemon.

Of course, corruption and mismanagement festers down here. Is this all part of your competitors’ attempts to secure the subway contract for their own? Is City Hall's stingy maintenance budget to blame? How much can you get paid not to fix this problem?

Are you ready to patrol your patch of subway, or will you stand by and let it crumble?

May the best story win! Enter the medieval world of Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales," where your journey, and the stories you tell, will change history.

The Road to Canterbury is a 175,000-word interactive medieval adventure novel, and 2018 Nebula Award for Game Writing Finalist, by Kate Heartfield, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

London, 1375. The Black Prince of England is dying, and peace with France hangs in the balance.

You are a young pauper on a secret mission. Join a pilgrimage to Canterbury with the powerful noblewoman Philippa de Roet, co-sister-in-law to the Black Prince, and Philippa's husband, Geoffrey Chaucer himself, the customs agent, spy, and occasional poet. Your mission is to persuade Philippa to change the course of history.

You'll fight raiders and knights, aid or foil an assassin, fire up a peasants' revolt, and change your luck for the better or worse. And of course, there's a storytelling contest with a big prize—one you intend to win.

Lead the revolt against a bloodthirsty empire! You grew up under the iron fist of the Hegemony. Now is your chance to end their blood-fueled magic, as you forge a ragtag outlaw band into a rebel army.

Choice of Rebels: Uprising is a 637,000 word interactive fantasy novel by Joel Havenstone, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

As an outlaw rebel in the wilderness, you must steal to survive your first brutal winter, or watch your people starve if you can't feed them. Win yeomen, helots, merchants, priests, and aristocrats over to the rebel cause...or turn them into your worst enemies. Will you defeat the army of the Hegemony’s Archon and the elite force of evil blood mages sent to destroy you, or will a personal betrayal put an end to your rebellion when it’s just barely begun?

Defend your magical city from an invading army! Use swords, spells, and strategy to save your people, lead them to glory, and build a legacy for the ages.

Siege of Treboulain is a 280,000-word interactive epic fantasy novel by Jed Herne. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Treboulain rests on the power of arborturgy, the magic that governs plants and all growing things. With the recent death of your mother, the queen, you now sit on the Throne of Thorns, the nightmarish chair of royalty that extracts blood from whoever dares to sit upon it.

When a ruthless army of horse warriors besieges the towering walls of Treboulain, will you take to the walls yourself, inspiring the soldiers with your own martial might and stirring speeches? Will you command the defense from a distance, using your sharp tactical mind? Or will you draw upon the vast powers of nature itself, strangling your enemies with barbed vines?

Should you fill the moat with traps, train elite magicians, or recruit mercenaries for a surprise attack? How will you manage your dwindling resources? And what will you do when deadly conspiracies begin to come to light, threatening to shake your reign—and your city—to its very core?

Hunt down the killer who murdered the Wolf god! As the Wolf's last avatar before his assassination, will you revive your god, take revenge on his killer, or destroy the pantheon and bring about a new order?

Avatar of the Wolf is a 135,000-word interactive fantasy novel by Bendi Barrett. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

In a savage land where the gods manipulate mortals like pawns on a chess board, Wolf's divine power controlled you and protected you. But since Wolf's death, the eyes of Hawk, Spider, Bear, Gazelle, and Eel are upon you. The embers of Wolf's power still burn within you; your remnants of divinity threaten to topple the pantheon.

Forsake the gods and join the Rising Sun, a heretical sect that defies divine rule. Embrace the anarchic, self-serving ethos of Spider and her seductive avatar. Obey Wolf's feral impulses and slaughter your enemies as head of the last Wolf enclave, or forge a lasting peace without spilling a drop of blood.

The gods are fading. Will you hasten their demise or harness their divine power?

In a world of trackless jungles, colossal beasts, and cruel pre-human civilizations, you must survive the past if you want to save the future! You were only meant to guard the laboratory, but when a treacherous power cripples Doctor Sabbatine's time machine, you're left stranded! Face the savage inhabitants of Silverworld and build your own civilization—or plunder the past and return home unimaginably rich!

Silverworld is a 560,000-word interactive time-travel fantasy novel by Kyle Marquis, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

You need allies to survive, but who can you trust? The locals may have already betrayed you to appease their enemies. The empress back home has ordered you to plunder this new world. Your friend survived the crash only for the jungle to infect him, transforming him into something inhuman. And the expedition's chief adviser has imprisoned the Icons—architects of the universe, masters of time—and fled to build his own civilization.

Can you rebuild Doctor Sabbatine's time machine and return home? You must protect your timeline, but at what cost? And after leading the people of Silverworld, will you even want to?

Itachi the Kinslayer

Respected Knight
Staff member
Approved Releaser
Fight monsters and free the ancient city with your enchanted talking sword!

You’re a common orphan scraping a living on the streets of Targas Adur—a city older than memory, full of dark corners and darker magics, ruled by a merciless Sorcerer King, Demorgon. While exploring one of those dark corners, you stumble upon...the sword, an ancient weapon of power. And it can talk, in a voice only you can hear.

Sword of the Slayer is 185,000-word interactive fantasy novel by S. Andrew Swann, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Dark creatures do as Demorgon bids, and his royal guard keeps order with an iron fist. All gods and temples are suppressed except for his own Dark Tabernacle. But with the re-emergence of the sword, Demorgon’s power may be waning. Evil monsters invade the city, and sections of Targas Adur have fallen to their influence. It’s up to you to slay them.

You must train yourself in sword-fighting to protect the ones you love, as you battle the demons of Targas Adur, including the dread White Wyrm. Thrust into the role of monster-slayer, you find yourself the focus of decadent nobles who want to return to power, devoted monks who want to see the gods return to the city, and—most troubling—you now have the attention of the Sorcerer King himself.

Will you become a foe of the monsters, a threat to Sorcerer King’s regime, or a hope for the forces trying to bring down his rule? Or will you give yourself over to the sword, losing control of your mind and body?

The robots you design will change the world! Will you show them the true meaning of love, or conquer Alaska with your robot army?

Choice of Robots is an epic 300,000-word interactive sci-fi novel by Kevin Gold, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Play out thirty years of your life as a brilliant robot maker, from graduate school near the present day to a future in which your robots have changed everything. Depending on your choices, your robots may be independent or obedient, clumsy or graceful, empathic or cold…and you yourself may live to an old age happily married or alone with only robots to comfort you.

Play as male or female, gay or straight, with nine characters to romance, four alternate climax chapters, and over seventy achievements to unlock.