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Games (not VN) where MC is an angel or other flying creature?


Well-known member
Except Disenchanted. Don't like it too much, besides wings are only mentioned during customization and MC doesn't use them. Do you know any stories where you can actually fly?


New member
well, does fallen hero count? they could fly if you add that to your costume function

and they are technically not human so kind of a creature ig...


Well-known member
well, does fallen hero count? they could fly if you add that to your costume function

and they are technically not human so kind of a creature ig...
Herald can fly but we haven't had a chance to possess him yet 😆 I don't remember costume function that allowed you to fly. Only jumping etc.
But I meant MCs that have the natural ability to fly, so 😅

The Fallen Divine
I read the public demo. I like what MC is, but the plot was rather disappointing, felt like MC was more of an observer, They didn't do much.