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How to make a mod menu


New member
I've been trying to learn coding for a while now and I want to try and create a mod menu for myself but I don't know how to, when altering stats in the json was easy but I want to create options and stuff but I don't think creating one on a json file would be a good idea as it might break the game. So how do you do it?


I've been trying to learn coding for a while now and I want to try and create a mod menu for myself but I don't know how to, when altering stats in the json was easy but I want to create options and stuff but I don't think creating one on a json file would be a good idea as it might break the game. So how do you do it?
You create them in the choicescript_stats file. If you know how to create nested menus on the stats screen and how to modify flags and variables, you know how to make a mod menu. If you have any of Dei's mods, you can unpack the APK and look at the structure in the relevant files. It's not really different than anything one would find in a normal game.

As for avoiding breaking the game, you're going to have to read ahead in the scene files and make sure you don't allow applying changes that might cause errors. Or you're going to need to rerun quicktest and randomtest with the variables and flags modified, generally around the extremes. CoG has a decent guide on their site for authors about that. You can manually check it as well. Another strategy is to modify the code so that it can handle things that might be out of range normally. Like when a choice has logic that detects which skills the player has under a certain value to determine which ones to offer in the next choice, that's going to throw an error if none are below the threshold. So you will have to raise the threshold or modify the logic such that it isn't checking for that. Or in other cases, there might be a stat or relationship check that the game uses to know which sub or scene version to send you to but if it's not in an expected range, you might get an error or in some cases, it may even just hit a return or finish that ends the game prematurely. Zombie Exodus is a good example of that. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.