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Nintendo killed Yuzu/Citra


Well-known member
RI-****ing-P man, I wonder if nintendo think they're winning points with their fans?
Everyday I'm reminded how much of a dogshit of a company they are.
But also... who does this and makes it public who they are? like.. they should've known something like this was bound to happen :/
Idk man, it's just sad thinking of all the old classics being forgotten because companies are so ****ing greedy even with things that they aren't selling anymore.
They're like...id say dragons but dragons are cool, so..... they're like goblins lmao.


New member
RI-****ing-P man, I wonder if nintendo think they're winning points with their fans?
Everyday I'm reminded how much of a dogshit of a company they are.
But also... who does this and makes it public who they are? like.. they should've known something like this was bound to happen :/
Idk man, it's just sad thinking of all the old classics being forgotten because companies are so ****ing greedy even with things that they aren't selling anymore.
They're like...id say dragons but dragons are cool, so..... they're like goblins lmao.
Wanted to jump on this bandwagon and say for context Yuzu has been PAYWALLING certain compatibility builds specifically geared towards TOTK which is literally violating piracy 101: you don't paywall pirated content. So while Nintendo absolutely sucks with their copy right strikes (specifically with Pokemon Uranium)... Yuzu devs did shoot themselves on the foot for this. Nintendo most likely would've ignored this if Yuzu devs didn't get so greedy.


Well-known member
That's actually interesting, i didn't know that about them. All i saw about their patreon was that they did have some early access thing but it was released publicly eventually.


New member
That's actually interesting, i didn't know that about them. All i saw about their patreon was that they did have some early access thing but it was released publicly eventually.
Specifically Yuzu took payments on their patreon for TOTK patches before said patches even came out which is... not exactly the worst thing on earth but like leaking and paywalling their content is a huge red flag for Nintendo.

Anyway for anybody who wants it here's the latest Citra and Yuzu and a site that has 3DS and Nintendo Switch Games. Here's also an archive of console games and emulators.