Greeting everyone,
Before we start, I would like to introduce myself. I am leekyboi, otherwise known as leekyo on Discord for anyone who know me, a fairly new addition to the staff of CoM. With the introduction out of the way, let get into the matter of this announcement.
Recently, a member by the name of Thomas Bell that undoubtedly some of you here known very well, has been banned (and unbanned due to leniency from the staff team) about problem related to fighting with other members on the forum. Today, on 21/3/2024, he has been banned again, and permanently this time.
The reason for this permanent ban is that Thomas has been found harassing many Hosted Game authors, and despite many chances and warnings given by us, he has not changed. And because of this, we, the staff team of Choice of Mods condemn his action and we would like to state that the staff do not condone harassing anyone.
That is all for now,
Before we start, I would like to introduce myself. I am leekyboi, otherwise known as leekyo on Discord for anyone who know me, a fairly new addition to the staff of CoM. With the introduction out of the way, let get into the matter of this announcement.
Recently, a member by the name of Thomas Bell that undoubtedly some of you here known very well, has been banned (and unbanned due to leniency from the staff team) about problem related to fighting with other members on the forum. Today, on 21/3/2024, he has been banned again, and permanently this time.
The reason for this permanent ban is that Thomas has been found harassing many Hosted Game authors, and despite many chances and warnings given by us, he has not changed. And because of this, we, the staff team of Choice of Mods condemn his action and we would like to state that the staff do not condone harassing anyone.
That is all for now,