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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Well-known member
I just went to the thread and saw someone else's post that said "Yes we’re meant to reach Qi Sea by book 1 end, core formation maybe by the end of book 2 and optional nascent soul at book 3.". I assume this means that book 1, book 2, and book 3 will take place in the same world, and the end of book three is when we will be leaving the world (that would possibly be the time we would have to choose how we ascend). if this is where the book ends, unless someone chooses not to ascend (which would cut off their path of improvement), that would mean the book ends in an open note. We could die after we ascend, succeed in becoming a supreme (and possibly eternal), or remain a lackey, but we wouldn't know unless Niki explicitly states what we become in the epilogue, or chooses to write more books.
The MC POMA is in a perpetual status of a big fish in an infinite pond because no matter how strong he gets their will always be others stronger because of multiverses and Gods so I get why the author don't wanna continue after NS because the story would just keep repeating of being from the bottom and up unless the author uses time skips and just skip to when you reach Godhood.


Well-known member
I just went to the thread and saw someone else's post that said "Yes we’re meant to reach Qi Sea by book 1 end, core formation maybe by the end of book 2 and optional nascent soul at book 3.". I assume this means that book 1, book 2, and book 3 will take place in the same world, and the end of book three is when we will be leaving the world (that would possibly be the time we would have to choose how we ascend). if this is where the book ends, unless someone chooses not to ascend (which would cut off their path of improvement), that would mean the book ends in an open note. We could die after we ascend, succeed in becoming a supreme (and possibly eternal), or remain a lackey, but we wouldn't know unless Niki explicitly states what we become in the epilogue, or chooses to write more books.
The narrative of AC is like Wuxia and Shonen (It's fueled by cliches and doesn't take itself too seriously). You can fight a godling and win and even shout the most cliche sentence in cultivation media " YOU COURT DEATH!!!". AC MC will bullshit their way to being the strongest by the power of Harem.


Active member
The MC POMA is in a perpetual status of a big fish in an infinite pond because no matter how strong he gets their will always be others stronger because of multiverses and Gods so I get why the author don't wanna continue after NS because the story would just keep repeating of being from the bottom and up unless the author uses time skips and just skip to when you reach Godhood.
That would be entirely dependent on the power system at play. Not all xianxia genres have the same cultivation realms nor power systems. Some xianxia for example have the concept of eternal being(s), which typically implies the pinnacle of strength in all realms. Sometimes the authors themselves assert a rule that there can only ever be one eternal being, either due to the conditions of becoming one requiring a commodity such that there can only ever be one, or the pioneer of such a realm altering the rules of the realm to make it impossible for another to be produced (as at that point, they should be strong enough to do so as an eternal being). Xianxia isn't a strict line, it depends on the creative liberties that the authors themselves choose to exercise.
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Active member
The narrative of AC is like Wuxia and Shonen (It's fueled by cliches and doesn't take itself too seriously). You can fight a godling and win and even shout the most cliche sentence in cultivation media " YOU COURT DEATH!!!". AC MC will bullshit their way to being the strongest by the power of Harem.
The shouting isn't what makes it wuxia for me, though, as that is dependent on the author. It is the power system and it's focus on martial arts techniques. I saw an answer to a question "wuxia vs xianxia" somewhere that answers the question on what the semantic difference between xianxia and wuxia is. Wuxia means (literally) "Martial Heroes", whilst xianxia means "Immortal Heroes", and to me, AC is wuxia, while POMA is xianxia, therefore it would be unfair to compare their power systems.
What we were referring to in this case was the mcs' overall power in their world(s) or realm(s). Whilst POMA supposedly ends on a blank note which leaves the mcs' future up for interpretation (depending on whether niki decides to continue it or not after book 3, or give us an epilogue that tells us what happens in the future of our mc), AC supposedly ends with us being a big fish in a small pond (which as I said above, I thought implied we would be supreme in our region but not the whole world as wuxia is typically contrained to one world, not always). This is all just my understanding of it though, which could be wrong.
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Well-known member
The shouting isn't what makes it wuxia for me, though, as that is dependent on the author. It is the power system and it's focus on martial arts techniques. I saw an answer to a question "wuxia vs xianxia" somewhere that answers the question on what the semantic difference between xianxia and wuxia is. Wuxia means (literally) "Martial Heroes", whilst xianxia means "Immortal Heroes", and to me, AC is wuxia, while POMA is xianxia, therefore it would be unfair to compare their power systems.
What we were referring to in this case was the mcs' overall power in their world(s) or realm(s). Whilst POMA supposedly ends on a blank note which leaves the mcs' future up for interpretation (depending on whether niki decides to continue it or not after book 3, or give us an epilogue that tells us what happens in the future of our mc), AC supposedly ends with us being a big fish in a small pond (which as I said above, I thought implied we would be supreme in our region but not the whole world as wuxia is typically contrained to one world, not always). This is all just my understanding of it though, which could be wrong.
I don't agree with the AC MC only being the strongest in their region by the end of the series when the MC is already out of their region in just chapter 7 of book 1, and journeying deep into the empire for Archonage (MC already meet an Archon one of the title of their strongest martial artist of there world). By the end of the series I think the MC would at least be an Archon if we really underestimate them.
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Active member
I don't agree with the AC MC only being the strongest in their region by the end of the series when the MC is already out of their region in just chapter 7 of book 1, and journeying deep into the empire for Archonage (MC already meet an Archon one of the title of their strongest martial artist of there world). By the end of the series I think the MC would at least be an Archon if we really underestimate them.
I don't think you read what I said, because it seems to me like you are agreeing with me with what you believe the MC's future will look like, but your first sentence directly states your disagreement.
Below is what I had said.
My understanding of what they meant when they had said we would be a big fish in a small pond was that we would a supreme in our region, but not in the world as a whole, i.e. there would be other powerhouses with the same strength or greater strength than our MC
This to me seems would be inline with your belief of the MC becoming an Archon.


Well-known member
That is not what I meant. My understanding of what they meant when they had said we would be a big fish in a small pond was that we would a supreme in our region, but not in the world as a whole, i.e. there would be other powerhouses with the same strength or greater strength than our MC. I understand the difference between xianxia and wuxia, where one focuses on there being many realms (some of which for transcendents only), while the other is focused more on a singular realm. I was not expecting xianxia from AC because it is pretty evident with how the story is going and the power system that it would align more with wuxia (it may change, but that would be at the whims of the author).
That was what I had assumed was meant.
As for POMA, I would not know. I know that there will be 3 books, but this is the first that I hear that we would end at Nascent Realm, so if that is the case, then yes, we would still be a big fish in a small pond, but that pond would be bigger.
Okay, now I get what you meant. Since you mentioned POMA, I thought you were comparing its power system.
A while ago, the author mentioned that AC’s first book would end with a complete story. The MC wouldn’t be the strongest by the end of the first book, but they said that depending on how it goes, they might make two sequels: one with a descendant and then continue with our original MC or something like that, as far as I read. The point is that the MC won’t end up as the strongest in the first book to leave room for a possible sequel.
It’s really not that different from POMA in this sense, considering that the MC in POMA also won’t end up as the strongest in their world by the end of the first book.


Well-known member
I just went to the thread and saw someone else's post that said "Yes we’re meant to reach Qi Sea by book 1 end, core formation maybe by the end of book 2 and optional nascent soul at book 3.". I assume this means that book 1, book 2, and book 3 will take place in the same world, and the end of book three is when we will be leaving the world (that would possibly be the time we would have to choose how we ascend). if this is where the book ends, unless someone chooses not to ascend (which would cut off their path of improvement), that would mean the book ends in an open note. We could die after we ascend, succeed in becoming a supreme (and possibly eternal), or remain a lackey, but we wouldn't know unless Niki explicitly states what we become in the epilogue, or chooses to write more books.
If we reach Nascent Soul, we don’t get to choose whether we ascend or not, the heavens expel us from the world as soon as we reach Nascent Soul. TW already mentioned this. Of course, this could change, but for now, that’s how it is.


The narrative of AC is like Wuxia and Shonen (It's fueled by cliches and doesn't take itself too seriously). You can fight a godling and win and even shout the most cliche sentence in cultivation media " YOU COURT DEATH!!!". AC MC will bullshit their way to being the strongest by the power of Harem.
tbf you can say the same thing to ruo when he offers you the choice to surrender


Well-known member
damn evil wu´s are about to get some righteous retribution, also 11k health and still geting beaten? i dont like where this is going.


Well-known member
Just buy alot of healing talismans and you will be ok.
regeneration + phoenix tatto + vitality perk will carry me till the end, just a little scared since i didnt invested in hp and im out of refinement points but yeah i have a ton of those talismans, maybe now its the time to use it.


Well-known member
Omfg that update will be awesome. Dammnnn, i'm excited asf to use the asura on these mfs, they think they can beat my mc. It reminds, a lot of people understimate the asura transformation it seems. Bro, demon queen only became who she is bc she was carried by this transformation (incomplete) she being a shangtian doesn't have nothing to do with it, it was said that she IS one of the strongest bc of it. So yeah, mc with that **** complete is pretty much broken
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Well-known member
Omfg that update will be awesome. Dammnnn, i'm excited asf to use the asure on these mfs, they think they can beat my mc. It reminds, a lot of people understimate the asura transformation it seems. Bro, demon queen only became who she is bc she was carried by this transformation (incomplete) she being a shangtian doesn't have nothing to do with it, it was said that she IS one of the strongest bc of it. So yeah, mc with that **** complete is pretty much broken
It was even said in the library books i guess, that transformations were the most powerful of martial arts, something like that even a peasant like pan lu (i forgot her name) became demon queen bc of it.