How boring, I thought he was quite strong, since he calls Xiwende weak... Well, I suppose everyone has their own fighting style.LC without his regen and TW gift is a very standard PH.
Xiwen who is not a combat focused PH managed to stalled him.
Dragon form Ruo would have killed him if not for his "pseudo X" advancement (His Body was a PH but his aura supposedly was Xiantan level but his brain wouldn't be able to use it)
His main advantage is just his regen and his great réservé of IE to sustain it.
That's boring, that's fraudulent ,but that's highly effective.
Édit:The Ultimate GS punch of MC could have prolly killed any PH(except some OP ones ig )without LC's hax
I wonder which regeneration is better on the same level, LC's or MC's using Qi and his talent to the max.
Anyway, I didn't know the oc were fan creations. Are they still, so to speak, canonical?