also what pisses me off is he gang getting qi like what is this bs everyone getting glazed to oblivion because a 2y timeskip was needed for whatever reason sure we absorbed TW to learn qi but why would we want it when he gang learned it without getting into coma we also didnt get anything outside the qi while we are the damn reincarnation of a god we also got somewhat blessed by TW so lets get it straight
ruo gets all dragons in him (valid strength)
long chen gets immortality for finding some ruins thanks to TW (propably most overpowered character right now yes even over ruo)
he gang trained for some years and got qi (not only had he luck finding a cultivator but it took him around 3y to get qi so strong he became one of strongest characters)
than there is MC the literal reincarnation of TW strongest "being ever on the planet and a literal god" we got protected by grandpa getting powers from TW after getting his blessing and all this gave us arond 2.5y in coma and barely an understanding and skills of qi (all that and we are getting pumeled by all the others mentioned in the list while having the biggest potential)
He gang has qi, knows we have qi, came at us specifically, tries very hard to trigger us. Seems to me someone put him up to this. Hes probably being used by someone who knows about us.
We were in coma for 2 years but we dont know the reason why. There's the black mark we had on our heart, probably that's the meddling of grandpa. Maybe it was why we went into coma? thats why grandpa was so focused on protecting us while unconcious. I dont think we have that mark anymore since TW rebuilt our body. Most prob the mark was a plot tool to make a time skip.
LC was guided by TW in his dreams to that ruin. He Gang is most likely being puppeted by a strong character. Ruo has the strongest Shangtain in history, and the heavens helping him **** us over cuz they hate that we are TW's clone. And us? we have nobody. Maybe if you dad wasnt miserable, we might actually have someone truly care about our growth.
As much as it hurts me to say this after jjk, MC is literally the potential man. We have no limits. We caught up to the strongest PH in 6 months after 2.5 years of coma, waking up with a almost crippled body. We have a perfect golden seed which is basically an autocorrect and constructive super AI. We can perform any skills and use any weapons to the perfection just by observing and training for little while, dont know how effective it is to Ruo's eyes(Ruo's sword mastery is an exception ig).
We literally teach Su De who is a master in spear arts towards enlightenment while we know **** all about it. On top of that our Physique is basically the golden seed on steroids. We dont know how to use our physique effectively yet so i believe it will be a powerup in the future. We are literally using our physique on instinct unlike Ruo who has no idea about his. If the story goes on and nothing changes, in a year we would have long surpassed everyone our age. Who's to say we havent already surpassed them already the way we're fighting? We can literally reach enlightenment mid fight, we create a Qi transformations if you decide to go all out which happens out of the blue. MC is op af. Its either nerf MC or power others up and id rather it be the latter.