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Path of Martial Arts WIP Mod Menu WIP

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Could you please mention what events are those?
The first one is mei asking you to help her sell some pills to the vampire and you will fight him in the end, if you can kill the vampire mei will shackles you in the cave, depending on your choice you will either romance her or she will do something to you so you will die later(I still didn't get what she is doing in here). Before you get back to the sect you will get mei pov here.
Then the second event is mei asking you to bid for her pill in the auction to rise the price.


New member
Whats the update
password: oc_fighters
new POV password: 7965351

Size: 496k -> 520k
- four new arena fights (after expo)
- two Tigress POVs (during her arena moment and after special training)
- one random POV (during expo fight)
- added a new Perk system (gameplay/mechanics). Available post expo in meditation.
-Regeneration/Talismans/Items have been moved to the STAT PAGE (which means they are accessible at any point of the fight). I tested it, and it worked fine, but just in case I've yet to remove the old way to use them (do try it out though)
- Bleeding have been buffed and added to where I could remember to add it (before - increased damage you take in that instance by 10%. Now - deals 1/25 of your total health pool each time you suffer damage). Yes, that includes Yutai fight.
- Tigress 'husband' has been changed to 'lover'.
- Added temporary 'activities' to get money (for now - just a clicker). There are three of them and they, alongside suggestions (****, I will get to them someday) will be the focus of the next update
- Changed infusion. It can now reach criticial checks.


New member
I too enjoyed this, today I'm gonna update this mod with a few more features and gonna upload a mod of a similar book, haven't played that one myself but since some people are claiming that the other book is better than this one then I'm tempted to try.
What's the name ?