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Well-known member
Yes, sorry karen. We won't do it again 😔
Then why do you continue to run your mouth offtopic with this answer😂 If you don't want to use the thread then you are welcome to create another and do whatever the hell you want there. I'm not a mod who can tidy up a thread if over 40 pages are created on it in the future due to offtopic and personal conversations now am I?

The thread was created with the purpose of posting public updates/recs here since some users liked to repeatedly clog the leaks thread with publicly available demos in spite of the mod cleaning things up a few times and warning them. I don't want THIS thread to be clogged in the future with personal conversations which contribute nothing to the discussion. Again, if you don't want to use this thread then create your own. It's easy enough to do it.


Well-known member
I found this awesome interactive fiction a while ago:

It hasn’t been talked about much on Tumblr or the ChoiceofGames Forum. Maybe because the author used their own unique engine, not the common ones like Twine, Ink, or Choicescript.
It's not using it's own unique engine, just their own unique template. When checking for more information with itch.io, the game is clearly listed as one which uses Twine as it's engine for development.


Well-known member
Can anyone recommend a Wip which is well written and completed? I will request a mod menu of it. I am flabbergasted, because there are so many Wips.


Active member
Can anyone recommend a Wip which is well written and completed? I will request a mod menu of it. I am flabbergasted, because there are so many Wips.
WIP stands for 'work in progress'. If you want completed ones that are already modded, you should check out the mod zone on the main page. Here's a rec site you might find helpful, although they're not modded: https://interact-if.tumblr.com/tagged/status:+complete

itch.io also has interactive fiction, but most of those are also WIPs.


Well-known member
Can anyone recommend a Wip which is well written and completed? I will request a mod menu of it. I am flabbergasted, because there are so many Wips.
You can go to the link verdigris recommended, but I'd also recommend, if you are looking for things to read and are not averse to IF games which don't usually make use of stats or customization, the choooseyourstory.com website (discovered it when I found Eternal). The featured/top rated games on the site are some of the most well-written I've come across (some of them are on the masterpost on the first page of the thread).

Hackett Thrail

Well-known member
not really an update(?) but if anyone here is invested in the golden rose, here's a new post covering some big changes to Neia, the Pirate, and a new red flag addition to our RO gang.
Tl;dr Lieutenant Vallen is the red flag and you can romance The Pirate King as a Male Romanus but the biggest change??? YOU CAN ROMANCE NEIA AS A DUDE

LES ****ING GOOOOO!!!! My Alessa-mancing *** is in a whole lotta trouble now lmfao