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Hackett Thrail

Well-known member
What???? Lol... who the heck is chef??? 😂

Edit: Maybe it's because my english is not that good. But when u said chef, it made me remember Gordon Ramsay. 😂 i didn't see any chef in the demo. Sorryyy
Yes, the MC's cuck is indeed a Chef or rather, a cook
I think it's a an actual chef like a cook
You could probably find it by code diving. Hackett will know. And frnd,ur English is fine.
Yea, this is how I found out. I was about to leave my computer and go to sleep but decided "Just one sec, lemme check the scene files real quick just to see if it was worth it", and low and behold. the relationship section on the stats page showed that lil tidbit...
Just checked the tumblr of the author the spouse is gay and already has a lover which is why they aren't a Ro. You can choose to have a platonic relationship with the Spouse and their lover
Shame that the Tumblr post didn't exist last night lmao.

Welp, to the people interested in being in a loveless marriage in this IF, I won't stop you. Go have fun.

I'll be bing chilling on the sidelines lmao


Active member
Just checked the tumblr of the author the spouse is gay and already has a lover which is why they aren't a Ro. You can choose to have a platonic relationship with the Spouse and their lover
That feels like a fart in a puddle.
To go all this length - to have an entire fate of coveted peace be contingent on having MC personally beg for marriage - only to end up in a fluffy lavender wedding.
No ulterior motives? No secret obsessions?

For a moment I thought it was some sort of a sinister attempt at humiliation, especially if MC is a dude romancing his manly lieutenant. And it's not quite clear how accepted same *** relationships are in the world.
And even then, why can't empress just legislate equality in her country and live gayly with her lover?


Well-known member
