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Active member
I love games that gives the MC freedom of choices, choices that best describes MC's personality and responses and this game nails it and has an abundance of it.
Love it, I am looking forward to the next update.
Yes! I absolutely love IFs like this one. Really feels like you can make the MC your own.


Yes! I absolutely love IFs like this one. Really feels like you can make the MC your own.
Exactly, the responses are not overly ******* like or overly excited and nice.
You can actually pick a response and the characters will actually comment on it.
For example when MC woke up, I picked to find a weapon and the characters actually commented on it later.... I so much love games like these.
The freedom of having choices that actually matters is something I missed in the choices universe and love.


Active member
That's one of the reasons I love golden rose
Because the author doesn't push you to do be anything, she gave you choices and you decide what you want to be.
Love it.
Also the ability to have your opinion on something is another reason why I like golden rose.
Yes as much as people dislike Golden Rose, I love it. I like that we get to take time to establish our MC and that it focuses on character and relationships instead of a nonstop action plot. I feel like I’m in the minority though 😭


Yes as much as people dislike Golden Rose, I love it. I like that we get to take time to establish our MC and that it focuses on character and relationships instead of a nonstop action plot. I feel like I’m in the minority though 😭
Exactly! I feel the exact same way.
Giving your character a personality, a set love interest and they way you react with them is one of the ways to make a game replay able.


Well-known member
The demo link stopped working for me
Hey @Santana. I checked out the authors tumblr, and couldn't find any complaints about the link not working for anyone else. I also tried both; there's one in the author's bio, and another in the pinned post about the demo (no problems with either). The one I shared in my previous post was from the pinned post. There will be an update this Friday or Saturday but until then, maybe this one works?