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Hey guys! Does anyone have High School Revenge Patreon demo? I swear if I don't find it I'm going to burn my school down to the ground!


New member
May I ask about an IF? If I remember correctly, the first chapter of the IF about mc must be a married person and have a child. The child later become the chosen one and mc family being hunted down by demon. Demons killed mc's spouses and want to keep mc and the child alive.


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Eren by personality

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Honey Bunny

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View attachment 16468

I'm really appriciative of this Christmas gift from Ramona but y'all really think not being able to download it will stop me from making an html of it???
With the amount of rats/snitches (or white knights like Del told me) here, we gotta act the opposite of what we mean just so they 'you-cant-have-fun-not-under-my-watch' switch isn't triggered. So it should be,

"OH WOE IS ME! What will we do without the downloadable version available??? Do we really have no choice but to finish all chapters in mere hours??? THIS IS TERRIBLE!!"​
