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Stories you thought were AWESOME! Anata ga subarashī to omotta SUTŌRĪ!


Well-known member
We are only about to discuss the things that we liked.
Our interesting jump into the complain train is for the other thread.

I'll start with:

One of those urban fantasies that are a fusion between a police procedural and paranormal romance!

It had F, one of my first immediate options, A the muscled angsty tsundere with two ways to torture herself/himself about the detective (his/her feelings weighted against N and his/her need of the detective's blood), N the absolute goody two shoes that can also be emotionally tortured as the detective struggles between A and him/her, and last but not least, M (scary, (in)sensitive to others, and *** scenes).

Also who could forget Rebecca? That tortured mother figure that can be there for the detective to rekindle their familial bond — or break it, and her.

There were also that adorable duo, officer Poname and Dr Verda. Plus Douglas, or should I say DOUUUUG.....

It had it all, slowly expanding world-building, banter, and no Whedon-speak — sorry for mentioning that, I am indeed an ageless abomination and remember a lot!

Let the lords of edgelording sing in praises of this corruption of the superhero ideal!
We play as a mysterious, monologueing, psychopathic protagonist on his/her/🇳🇱 way to vengeance against the Special Directive and the Rangers.
Then the second game came and we get our options to romance said Rangers. Argent, Ortega, Herald and Steel. All interesting in their own way.
And the world-building! Cloned mechanical humans and psychics...

I wish there were a billion more games like that one. We get the most amazing job in the galaxy. Piloting a humongous mecha and leading a squad of them against an evil empire.

Play as the lost heir of Daria and try to retake the kingdom. I loved its low fantasy world and the interactions with the characters of the first game.

The atmosphere of the series as we play as a ronin with a broken soul, was like no choicescript game I've ever seen. Also, Masami/Masahi, too tsundere not to adore. Although the games seemed to be wired mostly for a Jun/Junko romance.

Percy Jackson in a magical New York City, lots of interesting romance options and a magical academy. Enough said!

That, for the moment.


Active member
Right now, I'm in Diaspora hell, eagerly awaiting an update because of that damn cliffhanger. The writing is superb, the conflicts driving the drama/tension/plot are realistic, the characters have depth, and the writing is tight.

I, the Forgotten One (the full demo is available on this site, but has been severely cut down on dashingdon) portrays PTSD in such a realistic way I always break down sobbing.

Kingdoms and Empires because I love isekai stories and the trauma narrative in this one is more Greek epic or Viking saga than realistic. Also, there's shaping up to be some war crimes (haha, infiniverse people know what I mean).

Infiniverse/The Infinite Sea (Sabres of Infinity, Guns of Infinity and Lords of Infinity) because OMG the accuracy of those battlefields. That's honestly what hooked me with the first two books. The Forlorn Hope? ::chef's kiss:: Lords of Infinity is great because it forces the reader to think about Tierra within the greater international community. There's some parallels with the French Revolution and Catherine the Great, and the main issue in the third book is the traditional powergrabbing between nobles and the monarch. Anyway, anyone with a hardon for history, military, or both will love this.

The Passenger because, well, there's something about playing as an eldritch entity from beyond the stars that appeals to the nerdy middle-schooler in me, and I love exploring blue-orange morality in interpersonal settings.

Choice of the Cat was great. God, I love Maddox. I want to take him home with me and pamper him.

Mindblind, because who doesn't love it? It's fun and a great palate cleanser from stuff like I, the Forgotten One.

The Exile because there's just so much drama and trauma. I'm a sucker for making my MC spiral into a mental breakdown.

College Tennis: Origin Story, because I played tennis for seven years in school and I sometimes need to wash all the sadness away with a young MC who is full of hopes and dreams and an insatiable love for tennis.


Well-known member
I'm about to talk about The Goats of all Goats- The Wayhaven Chronicles. Soo why I believe this Interactive Fiction is the absolute best of the best is the Romance. Now I'm sure EVERYONE has read this masterpiece and of course you all have your own opinions, and here is mine. So Ava, Nat, Morgan and Farah, as I pick all females, anyway each RO is so dynamic and colorful in their own way. Personally Ava is my favorite but trust me you cannot go wrong with any of them. I love how each one truly makes us feel such emotion, I will admit something I'd never admit in my life, but I've got teary eyed a few times now don't make fun of me lmao. Talking about Rebecca, well I've got mixed feelings, now we know she's trying to change and better her relationship with MC but she left her child, now I try to understand everything and while I understand it still doesn't make it right. But she's written very well, again such emotion. Hits home actually, now Verda and Tina. Love both, so well written, both flamboyant and colorful, and both routes are truly amazing, I've smiled genuinely more than a thousand times lol. Bobby, good ole Bobby, but no lmfao. Douglas, you know with a father like The Mayor man, I can see the dislike there and how he treats his son, poor dougy lol. Now the villains in each book, written pretty good but like their not evil enough lmao, pretty much only gripe about it, now the s e x scenes too with Morgan, Nat and Farah could be alot more explicit but still I love the whole series so much I don't care lol. This is getting TOO long, just know Wayhaven is the GOAT. Thank you everyone and have a wonderful night 😊.


Well-known member
Siege of Treboulain is a hidden gem imo, I was genuinely expecting just a kingdom management simulator, but they gave me a better result. The LIs are really good, the s e x scenes are even better than some stories who claim to have smut in them, and the end felt rewarding (If you managed to save Treboulain and the characters ofc). I kinda wished it had a sequel but that's one of the "if ain't broken, don't fix it" things.

"I, The Forgotten One" is a blessing, specially in the end which you can:
  1. Kill the betrayer half-brother
  2. Convince your stepmother to end her life
  3. Betray your stepsister and take the (rightfully yours) throne over her hands.
This felt like a "f*ck you" to the former king, and it was rewarding to see our mc achieving it. I hope that book 2 gives that impact like the former had.


Golden Rose Book one

Can't complain about much, I love it all. The characters, damn, Alessa is too precious. The mystery around the objective and the black mark and the MC personality being of your choosing is a *Mwah* perfection. I always find annoying when I'm not in tune with the game, plus, when the characters are too shallow to care or feel anything it doesn't feel fluid. That's not an issue here. I cared about my choices when talking to them, I loved to make Alessa smile on the game because it felt like talking to someone. Not just words on a white screen.

The rest of the story as well made me fall for it. I like how slow and yet fast the history goes. Is urgent, but not rushed. Taking time with each thing. The action is satisfying, the fight scenes are as they should be. And most of all, it all seems to work together with the plot. Not being putted abouve one another, but walking along as one high lights the other sometimes. By the end I felt dysmayed of reaching the end, and when I reached I felt anxious for more. This book is on my top 3 along Wayhaven and Fallen Hero.

As for the CoG games, I could take SoT and The Fog knows your name (is the fist of this kind of games that lead me to this whole trip reading this content.)
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Fallen Hero

Finally. A game where you can feel powerful and with an awesome plot. I was caving for an history like this. I like drama on my MC😗 and this history doesn't lack of it. As a plus, punching heroes never felt more satisfying. From taking vices and romancing, I liked how free I was to make my character, and what's best than having one MC? Is your MC having an puppet. I liked the idea, and most of all how that turned out at the end of Book 2. Love it the characters, Ortega being my fav just as Doc mordun (Pardon if I wrote wrong, the last time I read it the books was two weeks ago🙃) And the plot of being a Villain just too good to ignore. and the mysterious background of the MC made me feel exactly like him; on edge at each page, but eager to find out more.


Well-known member
Oh there's a lot! Fallen Hero, Honestly I'm not a big superhero fan so I wasn't expecting to like this book so much! I, The Forgotten One Is really good too and I think it does a good job with how it treats ptsd, The author to that has another game i forgot the name but it's a wip but i like it anyway. Let's see... there's also Samurai of Hyuga and OH! The Nascent Necromancer, idk I know not a lot of people like it but I like the journey to being powerful, not having an op mc straight of the bat.


Well-known member

"Convince your stepmother to end her life"
I have to admit, I let him live and let our sis take the throne, my mcs too tired of this **** lmao
but...I didn't know you could do that


Well-known member

"Convince your stepmother to end her life"
I have to admit, I let him live and let our sis take the throne, my mcs too tired of this **** lmao
but...I didn't know you could do that

I think to achieve that you have to do the other 2 things. Because killing her son (or make him commit suicide), and taking her daughter's throne it was like taking her entire life. Also, you can tell her off by wishing she was dead.


New member
For myself, I love Within Your Eyes so far. I know the demo isn't huge yet but d a m m i t if I don't think it has potential. The characters are already well defined and dynamic, the story telling is superb already, that one night stand with Ly was incredibly detailed and obviously in the top 5 of s e x scenes. There is nothing generic or plain about this story. The world the author built around it is truly fascinating. For anyone who hasn't read it, I do highly recommend it.


I, the forgotten one.

Holy. Sh*t.

I was bored, since the whole day. Opening the link, I was expecting little to nothing. he beginning got me with the 'The King is Dead', the simple words made me read the page. Soon, the chapter, soon, the whole thing. And I where to begin... The history is immersive, cold and gloom, going as a broken MC, and most of all, Badass as f*ck. All characters were well written, all of them interesting, except from the shitty Step Bro, (now that's a bright idea, why don't I stab the guy who just saved the city to the other guy who just killed my brother?) I hate that guy... But, I enjoyed hating him just as much. Along him, the dear sister and Lada, oh, Lada~ one of my top RO, even being the only female open to romance. Aside from that, I loved the stats mechanic. Being stoic is very satisfying in here, I liked being stone faced through all book. Aaand, loved to butcher the butcher's army~ totally an top tier


New member
Just finished a second run of The Fog Knows Your Name. If I have one complaint, it's that some of the stat checks don't lend well to swinging from a skeptic to a believer, but I like how challenging the stat checks are and how they encourage a specific build. The horror felt like it really amped up, and it's one of few games to make me excited for a replay because I think I can perfect the next run. Really great stuff.


New member
Definitely Fallen Hero, I, the Forgotten One, The Passenger, The Exile (even though it's only a WiP right now), Samurai of Hyuga, Keeper of the Sun and Moon, Breach: the Archangel Job, and my favorite genre might be zombie/post apocalypse but this isn't me being biased: Zombie Exodus and Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven. Sorry for the lack of summaries of some kind since y'all already explained most of the IFs on my list.


Definitely Fallen Hero, I, the Forgotten One, The Passenger, The Exile (even though it's only a WiP right now), Samurai of Hyuga, Keeper of the Sun and Moon, Breach: the Archangel Job, and my favorite genre might be zombie/post apocalypse but this isn't me being biased: Zombie Exodus and Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven. Sorry for the lack of summaries of some kind since y'all already explained most of the IFs on my list.
hey! where can i find I, the Forgotten One? i tried to looked it up but never find it! Thanks!