Girl that's what my thread is for.Carry on .Answering the anon's question : seven deserves all the hate. They are just that despicable, man. Blake? Their route actually feels like an enemies to lovers route. Blake has their ambitions, they dont care about you, not yet at least, but they know how to be civil. They flirt with you because its fun. They put their goals before you in public even if you are on good terms. Eg. They say nothing when the mc is getting harassed on stage by the crowd. Seven on the other hand? My god, they know how to get on your nerves. I dont understand that character and their actions and I never will. I can write a whole 500 page essay about all the things I hate about seven. I dont like adults who act like children. Also hate the savina gimmick lmfao. I usually dont even get jealous when ros get with other ros/npcs but savina somehow gets on my nerves because of how much it is shoved in the reader's face. its like the game wants me to react to it. Like bro i literally dont care pls its annoying.
Also, the phrase "all the drama would be less delicious without seven" reads so, so so incredibly wrong. Because it is only affirming the statement people have used to criticise the game. That the story reads like a teenage drama and the so called angst is only enjoyable for seven simps.
Edit : my god i got a little too passionate.
I have to agree, even though I like infamous I kind of wish the reasoning for the breakup was different. It still doesn’t sit right with me that seven ended years worth of a friendship/relationship and then proceeded to torment the MC by sleeping around with people the MC knew because they got voted out as lead singer (especially if mc didn’t vote them out). I don’t know, I’ve never been apart of a band before but it just seems crazy to me. And yeah, the Avina thing is irritating (I also kind of wish they were a jerk so I wouldn’t feel bad about picking the rude options, but this story has enough jerks as it is so I’m good on that igAnswering the anon's question : seven deserves all the hate. They are just that despicable, man. Blake? Their route actually feels like an enemies to lovers route. Blake has their ambitions, they dont care about you, not yet at least, but they know how to be civil. They flirt with you because its fun. They put their goals before you in public even if you are on good terms. Eg. They say nothing when the mc is getting harassed on stage by the crowd. Blake's route is hot, passionate, intense. It is what you expect from an enemies to lovers route. Seven on the other hand? My god, they know how to get on your nerves. I dont understand that character and their actions and I never will. I can write a whole 500 page essay about all the things I hate about seven. I dont like adults who act like children. Where is the tension? The chemistry? picking seven's romance options felt like allowing yourself to be walked all over. I am not babying anyone. Also hate the savina gimmick lmfao. I usually dont even get jealous when ros get with other ros/npcs but savina somehow gets on my nerves because of how much it is shoved in the reader's face. its like the game wants me to react to it. Like bro i literally dont care pls its annoying.
Also, the phrase "all the drama would be less delicious without seven" reads so, so so incredibly wrong. Because it is only affirming the statement people have used to criticise the game. That the story reads like a teenage drama and the so called angst is only enjoyable for seven simps.
Edit : my god i got a little too passionate.