Not to be that person (i am

) but I'm ngl when I see authors have multiple ifs; not 1 or 2 but like 5 on top of the fact that they update sooooo far in between/take sooooo long but constantly on the side seemingly focusing more on "side stories", "patreon exclusives", or "chapter rewrites". I lose hope. That ish is not about to get updated until 2 years later.

On top of this i like to "collect" the ifs I have read and sometimes looking into some of these authors patreons I feel like there's always that odd one out thats "scamming" but it's kinda "clever" so people can't tell. Just think about it, "rewrites" feels like an infinite money glitch because you're paying for to the author to rehash something you already read. Which don't get me wrong, there are some authors that when they say "rewrite" they "REWRITE" (ex. Blood Legacies is a pretty good redid demo) but I feel like it's less of those and more of the opposite. Which is why I feel like it's more of "rehashing" than actually "rewriting." Plus a waste of time and money.(not of your a scammer though)🫢
Hell, with the number of "side stories," some of these authors write that's a chapter or 2 worth of content right there.

But frl:
How many times can you be placated by a side story when you were supposed to get a chapter or 2?
How many times is that "one excuse" being overused?
How many times will that author dodge questions about story updates, but will gladly update you on their patreon prices?
Not pocket watching, but for the people who contribute to patreons, just watch

certain things and be picky.
I think I did too much with this, but eh
