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Itachi the Kinslayer

Respected Knight
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Fallen Divine Patreon demo anyone?
You all might as well stop asking for this considering that Patreon tier for demo is 20$ (used to be 30), for comparison right now all three Wayhaven games are 24$ so yeah lol...The fact we even got previous version is a miracle itself

Samurai of Hyuga and Fallen Divine defeated piracy


Kingdoms and Empires has published the patron update can someone please send it here ?

Mfer im still at work 💀
When it updates everyone, please send me a DM of your thoughts and feedback if (when) someone leaks.
Ill uh, send it to the author.
Thank you all for still remaining interested after all this time, through the ups (updates) and downs (rewrites).
-Totally Not FatedFlame

PSA: Please support the authors whenever possible. There's authors that get leaked here that update far more quickly than KaE's author, that totally deserve whatever support you can give whenever youre in a position to do so. Support doesnt have to be monetary, it could be a simple inbox or DM to them that thanks them for their effort, it can be a simple reblog of their demo on tumblr, stuff like that. That's all, please stay safe in these troubling times.

Itachi the Kinslayer

Respected Knight
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Approved Releaser
Kingdoms and Empires - https://moody.ink/play/fatedflame/alpha-0487654321/mygame/

"Last time, you guys got 25, 900 words, today you guys get just over 32, 700. So an increase of 6800 words (plus 775 for the abused option) in the scenes after you are born. In total, the demo stands currently stands at So yay! Added back in the abused part to the outcast origin for the peeps that want the fate to have been out of your control. Included temporary variables that give us callbacks to the interactions we make in the exploration phase, so that characters we met actually remember us."
"Almost done with the exploration paths, it is currently over 10k in total, and offer a wide variety of unique scenes. The only one needing work is the Imperious West path. Should be an addition of 1k words when im done there. Unplayable or background things:The Stay Put Path is about 2/3rds done, s itting at just shy of 2k words.Hopefully fixed that annoying bug that some people encountered last time. Fixed the age of the MC, making them younger. so that Aure is closer in age to us and reflects the tongue twisting of MC"

Itachi the Kinslayer

Respected Knight
Staff member
Approved Releaser
Not to be rude but no one sent any link yet, because when asking and another one commented again the early one messages will be covered by the other who requested different link english Is not my native language so dont laugh If there Is Incorrect word on what I said.
So your solution is to spam same request over and over again, next time you do that you are getting suspended...
