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WIPs, Full Games and Side Stories (not public version)

Itachi the Kinslayer

Respected Knight
Staff member
Approved Releaser
Only use this thread to make requests and to post leaks, if you want to chat you can create a separate thread for discussions or you have discord and telegram servers.


- For "Path of Martial Arts" sneak peaks go to this thread
- Before posting or asking for side content check first if it's already posted on Kemono
- For AVNs and Visual Novels go to the F95 instead, if you cant find it there only then request here
- for public WIPs recommendations use this thread
- for WIP updates and other info use this thread
- before requesting a game check first if it's already requested/posted by someone
- If a user shares the link via reactions (you react to their post, and then they share the link), don't quote them and demand that they post it publicly; be patient they will eventually send you the link
- For html WIPs with added save system if you get "Play again" or achievement bug just do "Save-Restart-Load"
- if you want to thank someone who fulfilled your request or just shared the game just like their post or thank them privately, please don't clog the thread

Full Games:


Shepherds of Haven - pass: welcome_to_the_weave
Shepherds of Haven Alpha Build - Incomplete Routes guide - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1w1OBgMUJxsP-xoJlcxXwHa05fQsKn0UEbt8_-BtL7uQ/htmlview

Beyond The Mist: Beginnings - https://intimidatingpuffinstudios.itch.io/beyond-the-mist-beginnings pass: DoAsiSay!0

Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian - https://haleym.itch.io/patreon-demo pass: patreon-demo-whee

Path Of Martial Arts - https://choiceofmods.com/threads/wips-full-games-and-side-stories-not-public-version.3/post-40223

Thicker Than - https://cogdemos.ink/play/barbara-truelove/thicker-than-demo-members-only

The Golden Rose: Book 2 - https://cogdemos.ink/play/anathema/aftervallen

Excellent Cadavers - https://darkfictionjude.itch.io/excellent-cadavers pass: 5429

Misplaced - https://krakenfiles.com/view/9TgsHDGPRr/file.html

Kingdoms and Empires - https://cogdemos.ink/play/fatedflame/kaepatreon

Mind Blind - https://cogdemos.ink/play/bardictype/mind-blind-shard

The Thousand Of Us - https://cogdemos.ink/play/ivan-wm/the-thousand-of-us-patreon-v07

Guardian of Time - https://cogdemos.ink/play/cat-toes/guardian-of-time-patreon-build/mygame

Bastard of Camelot https://llamagirl.itch.io/the-bastard-of-camelot-beta pass: BetaBoc368

A Mage Reborn: Book Two - https://cogdemos.ink/play/adam-rifky/a-mage-reborn-rewrite-patreon-build-jan-2024

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - An affair of the heart - https://doriana-gray-games.itch.io/patreonbuild-sherlockmaingamech6-1 pass: NewContentLESTRADEEEE

Super System: Monster Evolution - https://cogdemos.ink/play/beastygames/super-system-monster-evolution-private-demo

Blood Legacies - https://cogdemos.ink/play/ldnunes/blood-legacies-demo-private

Wayhaven Chronicles:Book Four - https://mega.nz/file/oxpxhahL#jax5vJVgT0b3S83DpD2_i1NGtmNeNHtaDBCI-e20LcI

The Ultimate Magic Student - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/zcometa_tums-ea/

Merry Crisis - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/alieebobo_merry-crisis-early-release/

Antithesis - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/drdense_anithesis/

Jinlai - https://nickydicky.itch.io/jinlai-test?secret=cnKGrgqBKFRrxKwWMDAFdPWU0

We Wretched Creatures https://darkfictionjude.itch.io/we-wretched-creatures pass: 3912

Aura Clash - https://www.auraclash.com/merchants/play Nick: patron pass: tigertrial

Crown of Exile - https://gofile.io/d/2K27gu

REMEMBER, YOU WILL DIE - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/bruisedsoldier_rywd-early-access/

New Era - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/ldnunes_new-era-private-demo/

Soul Stone War 3 - https://choiceofmods.com/threads/wips-full-games-and-side-stories-not-public-version.3/post-32802 pass: MorkaiFinish!0

Honor Amongst Thieves - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/leone_honor-amongst-thieves-advanced/

Sanguine Sky - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/whizumi_ss-dm-exp-ch3-pt1m-pov/

Reaper's Bay - https://dakotawritesif.itch.io/reapers-bay-patreon-demo pass: RBUPDATE

Fallen Lights - https://dakotawritesif.itch.io/fallen-lights-patreon pass: UPDATEEMIL

Blood of the Living - https://cogdemos.ink/play/chrysanthemumgames/blood-of-the-living-009

College Tennis: Origin Story - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/alieebobo_college-tennis-origin-story-early-release/ codes: https://choiceofmods.com/threads/wips-full-games-and-side-stories-not-public-ver.3/post-19132

Seduction - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/kemlly161_notangoseduction/

Samurai of Hyuga Book 6 (PDF FILES) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/xe8twitqhlwgx6k/SOHB6.zip/file

Fallen Hero: Revelations - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/malinryden_tgghalwehbuu981/

Virtue's End - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/crim_vvkfhsvcb6/

Drink Your Villain Juice! - https://pixeldrain.com/u/QuvfALP2

When Twilight Strikes - https://choiceofmods.com/threads/wips-full-games-and-side-stories-not-public-version.3/post-24836

Leas: City of the Sun - https://cogdemos.ink/play/sailingshellsgames/lcotsbetaxqvki4/mygame/

The People's House - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/rfkramer_the-peoples-house--august-edition/

Faewild - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/dakota1219_faewild/

Demonology: Incubus - https://choiceofmods.com/threads/wips-full-games-and-side-stories-not-public-version.3/post-22029

The Night Market Book 2 - https://the-night-market.itch.io/the-night-market-book-2 pass: Out!@nd$

Vendetta - https://pixeldrain.com/l/H4iHUGGr

The Six That Thrive - https://choiceofmods.com/threads/wips-full-games-and-side-stories-not-public-version.3/post-21707

Wayfarer - https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10945210/game/index.html

Remnants Of The Past - Act 1: https://choiceofmods.com/threads/wips-full-games-and-side-stories-not-public-ver.3/post-17624

Sorcerer Combat:Atomica - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/undescribednight_sorcerer-combat-atomica/

The Abyssal - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/holtzmann_the-abyssal-update-november/

The Bureau - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/morbethgames_the-bureau-wip/

Broken Fable - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/drdense_broken-fable-patreon/ pass: abovetime

Throne of Ashes - https://www.bumstudiosproductions.com/jiw_throneashes0904/index.html

Crown of Ashes and Flames - https://choiceofmods.com/threads/wips-full-games-and-side-stories-not-public-ver.3/post-13936

Forsaken - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/akobryan1_forsakenpatreon/

Breach: Chicago War Zone - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/Maxwell121415_bcwz-ptb01612/

Red String of Fates - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/velunarynz_alpha-ver/

Golden: Book One - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/milaswriting_golden--early-access-patreon/ pass: richesPoWers&choSenchats

Zeus Dilemma - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/athena_zeus-dilemma/

Speaker (pass: wegotcows) - https://speakergame.itch.io/betaspeaker

The Fallen Divine - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/dzhonest_ftdcto/

The Seven Heirs of Ophaesia - https://www.mediafire.com/file/x5xx3u9fhseqij2/seven_heir_of_ophesia.html/file

Heart of A Dungeon - https://choiceofmods.com/dashprivate/kris_heart-of-a-dungeon-patreon/ pass: joker

Visual Novels & AVN
Side stories
Kemono links
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Active member
Hey, sorry to bother you, but can you tell me how you made the demo into an HTML file?
I downloaded all the files from the web, then I moved all the scenes that I downloaded to choicescript ide (web/mygame/scenes). If the game already have a save system go to the startup file and remove the "*sm_init" (will give an error if you don't remove it). After this I just click in "compile.html" I used firefox for this, then go to the end of the page and click in "here" to start the download of the html file. (I don't have a PC so I'm using a phone, so Idk if there's any difference).

Can you please tell me how to make twine to html, please?
this is how I do it : first you'll need the real file of the game..so view the code of the game you want, then search for "v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net/html/". I'II use project hadea as an example: "https://v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net/html/7276076/index.html" this is the actually file of the game (only those numbers change at the end). then search for "view-source:https://v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net/html/7276076/index.html" then copy/download the whole code and make it into a html file if you want.


can u pls teach me how to turn it into file.html?
Can anyone tell me how to turn the scenes into an html file i have the scenes of a game here and i want to play it but don't know how to turn it into html.


Active member
Shepherds of Haven short stories


  • For Everything There is a Season 1 (Ayla, Blade, Lavinet's Story).pdf
    112.2 KB · Views: 150
  • For Everything There is a Season 2 (Blade, Lavinet, Ayla's Story).pdf
    203.5 KB · Views: 88
  • For Everything There is a Season 3 (Lavinet, Ayla, Blade's Story).pdf
    135.8 KB · Views: 80
  • Blade's Story - She Who Consumes.pdf
    99.9 KB · Views: 154
  • Red's Story - Burning, But Not On Fire(1).pdf
    83.5 KB · Views: 99
  • Chase's Story - The Lady and the Tiger.pdf
    87 KB · Views: 97
  • Croelle's Story - And They Shall Come to Know Its Power.pdf
    151.1 KB · Views: 71
  • Halek's Story - Silent Storms.pdf
    105.4 KB · Views: 70
  • Riel's Story - Mid-Fall.pdf
    128.5 KB · Views: 75
  • Trouble's Story - Fight or Flight.pdf
    95.9 KB · Views: 78


Active member
Part 2


  • Lavinet's Story - The Culture of the Earth.pdf
    123.2 KB · Views: 109
  • Ayla's Story - Chance of Rain.pdf
    130.7 KB · Views: 63
  • Tallys' Story - Ghost Stories.pdf
    118.8 KB · Views: 68
  • Caine's Story - Wayward Son.pdf
    132.2 KB · Views: 73
  • Briony's Story - Blood Ties.pdf
    182.7 KB · Views: 66
  • Shery's Story - Prayer.pdf
    104.3 KB · Views: 68
  • Blade's Story - Quicksilver.pdf
    124.8 KB · Views: 104
  • Chase's Story - Nine Lives.pdf
    143.2 KB · Views: 94
  • Red's Story - Possession.pdf
    135 KB · Views: 105
  • Trouble's Story - In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb.pdf
    132.8 KB · Views: 76


Active member
Part 3


  • Halek's Story - Mirror Image.pdf
    125.5 KB · Views: 64
  • Riel's Story - The Time Between Dog and Wolf.pdf
    152.3 KB · Views: 63
  • The Bridge of Bones 1 (Trouble and Riel's Story).pdf
    152.7 KB · Views: 72
  • The Bridge of Bones 2 (Riel and Trouble's Story).pdf
    149.8 KB · Views: 62
  • The Bridge of Bones 3 (Trouble and Riel's Story).pdf
    141.5 KB · Views: 60
  • The Bridge of Bones 4 (Riel and Trouble's Story).pdf
    120.3 KB · Views: 60
  • The Bridge of Bones 5 (Trouble and Riel's Story).pdf
    190.6 KB · Views: 62


New member
Hey, can someone share these Mind Blind patreon posts?

Writer's Blog: Noh Redemption Arc

Nohvember Interview: The First Attempt

Mind Blind Saucy Side: Oh, Noh (Female Version)


MB Saucy Side: 500 Reasons Why (Featuring Sally)

Another Perspective: Minesweep or Weep (Kenna & Talia Version)

MB Saucy Side: Actions Speak Louder (Kenna)

MB Saucy Side: Puppy Love (Featuring Kenna)

MB Saucy Side: Reason for Divine Intervention (Kenna Version)

And maybe part 1 - 3 and the rest of the female RO versions of Battle for Buttons, but there's 7 parts of them, and I've already asked a lot, so you can ignore this one if you want to. I also don't want the Kenna posts as much as I want the rest I've linked, so feel free to ignore those as well.


Hey, can someone share these Mind Blind patreon posts?

Writer's Blog: Noh Redemption Arc

Nohvember Interview: The First Attempt

Mind Blind Saucy Side: Oh, Noh (Female Version)


MB Saucy Side: 500 Reasons Why (Featuring Sally)

Another Perspective: Minesweep or Weep (Kenna & Talia Version)

MB Saucy Side: Actions Speak Louder (Kenna)

MB Saucy Side: Puppy Love (Featuring Kenna)

MB Saucy Side: Reason for Divine Intervention (Kenna Version)

And maybe part 1 - 3 and the rest of the female RO versions of Battle for Buttons, but there's 7 parts of them, and I've already asked a lot, so you can ignore this one if you want to. I also don't want the Kenna posts as much as I want the rest I've linked, so feel free to ignore those as well.

Please take this down.

This is just . . . really not cool, guys. My hands are trembling as I right this, because I'm both hurt and stunned that someone would take *everything* from my Patreon and post it. If you ever want Mind Blind to get finished, then try not to do things that will cause me to have a breakdown.


Jo O'Connor (aka the writer)

(Maybe addressing this directly isn't the best approach. But I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and hope that you'll respect my wishes. It's one thing to share stories with friends, but to post it online for anyone to find is just . . . really hurtful, to be honest. I'm not a big company. I'm one person trying to finish a story of 1,000,000+ words, and I hope that if you enjoy my writing at all, then you won't do things to jeopardize it's completion.)


Sheriff of ChoiceofMods
Staff member
Approved Releaser
Vergil's Brother
Please take this down.

This is just . . . really not cool, guys. My hands are trembling as I right this, because I'm both hurt and stunned that someone would take *everything* from my Patreon and post it. If you ever want Mind Blind to get finished, then try not to do things that will cause me to have a breakdown.


Jo O'Connor (aka the writer)

(Maybe addressing this directly isn't the best approach. But I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and hope that you'll respect my wishes. It's one thing to share stories with friends, but to post it online for anyone to find is just . . . really hurtful, to be honest. I'm not a big company. I'm one person trying to finish a story of 1,000,000+ words, and I hope that if you enjoy my writing at all, then you won't do things to jeopardize it's completion.)
Let me tell you something, those who haven't subscribed to your patreon isn't magically gonna subscribe if they don't get stories elsewhere, and those who have already did that means they care about you and I'm pretty damn sure they aren't gonna unsubscribe anytime soon. If something anything changes due to the leaks then it's your popularity, readers are gonna be more interested in your titles and perhaps once they have enough money then they can even subscribe and donate that money to you, right now many members of this forum don't have enough resources to purchase things online such as patreon subscription, hence they had to rely on leaks to sate their excitement of reading the stories. Do think about it, from their perspective and if you can then try to make old stories and demo available for public this way they may not needs to rely on leaks and will read from official source.

Dan Fabulich


Motivated Oppa
Staff member
Forum Administrator
I have seen that readers do tend to subscribe and support their favourite authors when they can if they find the content to be worth it. I myself have supported many such games.

Also People please stop pointing their revenue. It's their income and we have no right to be concerned about it. They shared their opinions and we shared ours. That's it. End of the story. If anyone has any problems then they can PM me.


New member


Xelara first sees a stranger.

Sprawled across the dirt, face hidden beneath their hood. It is a curiosity, but nothing more; from the faint aura of their magic, Xelara can sense that they hold no ill intent.

Emotions tend to be sometimes difficult to distinguish from each other by physical details alone- a pounding heartbeat can mean fear just as easily as it can mean excitement -but magic signatures carry them more clearly.

The influence is incredibly subtle, but over the years, Xelara has learned how to notice it, almost like a sound hanging in the air.

The sound the stranger makes is frail, quiet, restrained. Their magic is rattled, because its owner is rattled; they form no threat. So why run?

As Xelara approaches the stranger, it belatedly occurs to her that she had multiple corpses surrounding them. That would be enough to rattle a regular person and cause them to flee; Xelara may have gotten too used to the sight at this point, so she forgets.

Yet, the stranger refuses to even look at her. Their heartbeat picks up as Xelara stands in front of them.

"What's wrong?" Xelara teases, thinking perhaps a more lighthearted tone will help calm them down. "Don't tell me you're shy?"

Finally, they raise their head.

In the shade of the trees, darkening the shadow from their hood further, Xelara cannot quite make out the color of their eyes beyond the fact that they're light, and wide with a flustered shock. Their skin is smudged with dust and dirt, a slight shine of sweat on their complexion-yet their features are not altogether bad to look at.

Xelara is disappointed when they hide their face again. She's had a long day, she feels tired, and what better cure than a pleasing face?

Soon, however, she discovers why the stranger did so.It's difficult to believe her eyes, even though the gleaming of gold is as clear as daylight. Can't believe her eyes, not for something so important.

Xelara has to make certain.

So she kneels down in front of the stranger, engaging a connection with their magic through a touch of skin, a light grip on their chin

There is no more doubt. Not in the face of that raw well of magic, formless and uncertain, hovering between existence and potential. This is the lost Crown, stumbled upon Xelara as if carried by the currents of the spirits themselves.

Damn them all.

Xelara considers turning her back. Considers running, pretending as if she never met them, leaving the Crown to their fate, but that would make her a traitor to Arsur. She is duty-bound, no, honor-bound to offer her aid.

Then again, that doesn't mean that she has to be entirely altruistic in doing so, does she?

For all Xelara knows, this Crown will be no different from Piruz, giving her no reason to trust them making them an enemy, in fact. At the same time, Xelara has no choice but to help when the Crown has done nothing yet, both as a citizen or Arsur as well as pressured to do so by her conscience. She can deliver the Crown to Rozerîn well enough, but in exchange, she decides to take the opportunity to settle more personal scores.

In the end, getting the Followers of Vidarna out of the Crown's Imperial Guard will be in to their benefit as well, even though it requires some omission of plans. The Crown might encounter some danger along the way, but that's a risk Xelara will have to take.

Besides which, if the Crown ends up killed in the process, would it really matter? If they made it to the throne, either they'd become a Crown like Piruz and Xelara would regret not killing them herself, or they'd become a Crown like Ferzan, in which case...

Well, then they'd end up assassinated regardless. The Followers, the nobility, the magi, the wealthy and the influential, they cannot tolerate any threat to their power. What matters is that Xelara washes her hands from this, as soon as possible.

It won't end well for either of them if she lingers.
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