Yes... And it's really big one
not really, just:
100k word update without code
Chapter 5 complete.
Fixed a plethora of typos and no doubt added even more.
Fixed both known gamebreaking bugs, undoubtedly created more in chapter 5
Fixed a bug where you couldn’t increase a Combat Core unless you had 100 Unallocated AP. You can now increase your Cores as long as you have a high enough discount from your Mortal Core Advancement.
Added the ability to choose your aura color in the Cultivation page if you’ve learned multiple chi sources.
Incorporated a weapon system including crafting quality, weapon materials, and enchantments (all programmed in, some available now, more later; believe me I’m interested in incorporating my new toy functions more).
–Enchantments will give active or passive buffs while the weapon is equipped.
–Crafting quality will determine what value the weapon adds to stat checks when used in combat.
–Crafting material (Jade, Beastbone, Snowsteel, Truegold) will ensure you always have at least 1 unemptied Core in 2 different stat Cores depending on the material used.
Fixed several gendered variables (ladies, Father should stop acting like he wished he had a son).
Added beard options for men.
Added the “Jade Dragon Foundation” cheat mode for all you arrogant fiends, chosen when selecting your Chi Potential and improved after basic training.
Inversely added the “Mortal Limits” difficulty mode, lowering how much AP you gain once you reach the regional AP cap (800 AP in Outer West). Does it come with hidden rewards in the future? Who’s to say. (It doesn’t…yet.)
Added a dozen more reactivity points (will be a different update’s focus).
Added the opportunity to learn the Fire Element on your first mission for non-evil players.
Added the ability to learn the Storm element from the Heavenly Storm Gate.
Added a third, fourth, and fifth secondary element option (Wind, Earth, and Ice) in Chapter 4.
Added a sixth secondary element option (Darkness) in Chapter 5.
Added a secret race option by popular demand (goodluck finding it).
Kosuke is now ecstatic if acquiring a second crossbow. (odd request but I allowed it)
If you withstand Jack’s punch he no longer robs your delivery.
Added 30 EXP between the 4 Cores (based on background) for characters who skip chapter 1 to take the place of background synchronization.
Added NPC entries into the Journal page.
Split the Handseal rituals into more options and added a couple more.
Added a sage’s shop to Thunderfall and Chapter 4’s outpost town where plenty of Seal scrolls can be found for sale.
Added the option to disable the portrait pics in the Journal Page. (by popular [hurtful] demand)
Returned the alchemy page to the Cultivation menu so you can brew elixirs on the go thanks to your trusty Refiner’s Kit (free).
Added a “Sonar Mode” to the Journal Page for the visually impaired, replacing the pictures used for Chapter, Titles, and the Stat Screen.
Created and implemented the Technique system.
–Certain Technique benefits are passives that are always on so long as you’ve learned the Technique.
–Other Technique benefits must be focused (equipped), they are not active unless the Technique is focused into one of your four Technique slots.
–Racial Technique unlocked in Chapter 2.
–Techniques for sale in the outpost of Chapter 4
–Techniques learned during the training montage in Chapter 4.
A second option to seduce (or turn down) Kosuke has been added to Chapter 2.
Changed the “Core Surged” language to “Chi Spent” for clarification that it’s using up your available chi allocated to Power, Agility, Fortitude, or Soul.
You no longer need to convert your currencies to afford things, the shops do it automatically.