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Fallen Hero: Rebirth v1.1.5 Mod Menu 1.1.5

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I don't know if it will be more visible in this specific thread, because making new threads that aren't related to mods and leaks tend to be avoided and overlooked here :

So, I have been playing Fallen Hero : Rebirth using @DanFabulich mod ( this one ) because I like revisiting choices without restarting the game from the beginning and this mod allow for the option to have infinite save slots.

I made quite a number of saves, finished the game, transferred the complete game save to Book 2.

But when I went back to Book 1 all my saves disappeared, this has happened in Book 1 of other games where save export isn't available yet because there is no Book 2, and with a simple reload and / or restart they were back.

I have tried both but my saves are lost for good. Have any of you experienced this ? Is there no way of preserving the saves before transferring the final one ?


Sheriff of ChoiceofMods
Staff member
Approved Releaser
Vergil's Brother
I don't know if it will be more visible in this specific thread, because making new threads that aren't related to mods and leaks tend to be avoided and overlooked here :

So, I have been playing Fallen Hero : Rebirth using @DanFabulich mod ( this one ) because I like revisiting choices without restarting the game from the beginning and this mod allow for the option to have infinite save slots.

I made quite a number of saves, finished the game, transferred the complete game save to Book 2.

But when I went back to Book 1 all my saves disappeared, this has happened in Book 1 of other games where save export isn't available yet because there is no Book 2, and with a simple reload and / or restart they were back.

I have tried both but my saves are lost for good. Have any of you experienced this ? Is there no way of preserving the saves before transferring the final one ?
those saves are stored in cache of apk or the browser you are using, sometimes so sometimes when you try to clean junk file then the cache alongside the junks can be deleted.


those saves are stored in cache of apk or the browser you are using, sometimes so sometimes when you try to clean junk file then the cache alongside the junks can be deleted.
Thanks for taking the time to answer, i am using the apk version of the game, and i can assure you that i cleaned nothing. I am guessing nobody experienced what i did so normally those saves should stay even after exporting the final save right ? Could it be because i am using the older version of the mod ?

Edit : By the way is the option of transferring your save to the next book available in the HTML version of the game ?
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Thanks for taking the time to answer, i am using the apk version of the game, and i can assure you that i cleaned nothing. I am guessing nobody experienced what i did so normally those saves should stay even after exporting the final save right ? Could it be because i am using the older version of the mod ?

Edit : By the way is the option of transferring your save to the next book available in the HTML version of the game ?
I realized it's the fact that when i reload a save ( Let's call it save 20 ) to make another choice, ( Without forgetting that i have made some progress in the story and there are 21 to 29 saves between them ), save again ( save 30 ) and continue to play with that save till the end or make new saves along the way ( 31, 32, 33 ... It doesn't matter ), and then transfer the final save to the next book, the only saves that remain is ( save 30 ) with the rest of the saves i made after, the others get erased. And those which don't get erased remain a short time, then get erased too, and i end up with no saves at all.
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New member
Im new to these types of games, are any romances gender-locked (if that's the right term for it) currently playing as a female and have my relationship stats pretty high, is that going to give me any trouble? I don't want the game to lag or something. Thank you!


Well-known member
Im new to these types of games, are any romances gender-locked (if that's the right term for it) currently playing as a female and have my relationship stats pretty high, is that going to give me any trouble? I don't want the game to lag or something. Thank you!
The only RO you can't romance as a female Sidestep is Steel as he is only romanceable by a male Sidestep(not sure about nb Sidestep). Argent, Ortega, Herald and Mortum can be romanced regardless.
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Well-known member
When you've got time and if you don't mind, can you please update this mod to v1.1.6.? It was apparently updated late last year on Google Play with bug fixes being the reason.
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Sheriff of ChoiceofMods
Staff member
Approved Releaser
Vergil's Brother
Yo dude thanks for the mod but i want to ask, why does it just keep loading when i play in Joiplay, like it's just white screen, i couldn't go to settings or stats, i can press the restar but it didn't do anything else.
use browser to open index.html file


Sheriff of ChoiceofMods
Staff member
Approved Releaser
Vergil's Brother
Bro I tried to modify the stats but they don't change bro
what stat are you talking about and did you go to next page after returning from stats menu ?