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Fields of Asphodel v1.0.3 Mod Menu 1.0.3

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I saw that too with the 'Persephone' default name, but Dionysus name actually trowed me off for a bit, cause from what I know Dionysus = Zagreus, but hey, It's good to learn new things. There's also the fact that Hades and Persephone kid were already there, I was confused asf.
Did you know Dionysus is not even real? Well all the Greek gods are not real but Dionysus was made by the Greeks solely for the purpose of getting drunk.

In this story, I don't particularly like that the mc (I am going to use Persephone) is half god, whilst in mythology she is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, Zeus is also Demeter's brother, and Hades is Persephone's uncle.
I like how the author portrays Zeus, Demeter, and especially Hades.
In mythology,
Zeus is an absolutely jerk. Demeter is overprotective of Persephone and not that great of a mother. And Hades, contrary to popular believe, especially Holywood, Hades is a chill dude. And compared to his brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, he is a great guy, he actually does his job in the Underworld, and is not cruel, and he is just and actually really loves Persephone.
And also his dog, I don't know why the author changed his name, Cerberus which more or less means Spot