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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Well-known member
Guys, i'm thinking that maybe mc got a power up before that first stage. Suddenly nicky putting a option where mc just flaunts his power... it never happened before (only in dialogue, but not in a narrator speaking kinda option) he seems like a FACT and not just arrogance. Hope i'm right


Well-known member
ruo, followed by long chen and tw third option during the expedition, exploded his head with the golden seed and he still comeback like nothing happened, the flesh abomination also managed to escape death.
Yeah, kinda makes sense tbh. They are clones too. But atleast when we kill little demon queen next time we are getting a ton of Qi, maybe ascending a bit


If you had bothered to read what I wrote earlier, you’d know that the Xiantian I’m referring to is the one from the massacre mission. You can hit the Xiantian He—I don’t remember his name—and the only thing that happens is that you fail the mission. It doesn’t even lead to a bad end. As for Yang Bohai, they must have changed it because I remember that, a while back, you could survive that hit without cheating. The fact that you can insult a S, who we know doesn’t have a good temperament, and he only uses enough force for even an Early Houtian to survive is ridiculous.
Here is why that guy from He clan didn't kill MC...at that time MC was representing the sect by doing the investigation...so, if he killed MC because of hitting (well, I have never hit him, so I don't know if you can hit him... when I pressed for answer he beat me up and throw me out...so, I choose to not press him as well) then he would be going against the sect...and since everyone knows the enmity between He and Wu, he not only can't escape the blame, people might even think that he killed MC in order to silence him from finding out the truth about the massacre (which he is responsible for) and if that happens, the He clan will have to deal with the demon queen


Well-known member
Guys, i'm thinking that maybe mc got a power up before that first stage. Suddenly nicky putting a option where mc just flaunts his power... it never happened before (only in dialogue, but not in a narrator speaking kinda option) he seems like a FACT and not just arrogance. Hope i'm right
Expo massacre


Active member
It seems you didn’t understand what I meant about the coma. The fact that the MC was transforming during that time and no one experimented on him or anything is plot armor. There was literally no reason to leave him alive. Even Mei Mei said his body is a treasure, and the MC has no backing or anything protecting him like Tang Ruo does. In theory, there shouldn’t have been any consequences for killing him while he was in a coma, but it didn’t happen.

But the He Clan has reasons to kill the MC, and what reputation do they have to protect if they already have a bad reputation? Killing the MC early, being mortal enemies of the He Clan, is something typical of them. So again, there’s no reason they shouldn’t have killed him a long time ago, especially since they even tried to kill him during the admission ceremony. Why don’t they try again?

And like I said, all those deathmatch fights you’re mentioning are against other Houtians who are on the MC’s level, when he fought the Wolf, who was at MH while we were at EH, it was a battle we couldn’t win, and someone came to save us, you had to survive the initial stages of the fight, but it was something within the MC’s capabilities. The fact that the MC can insult Xiantian and S-level cultivators on some occasions and still be alive is Plot Armor. You can even land a hit on a Xiantian from the He Clan, and they don’t kill you during the investigation mission of the massacre. If that’s not plot armor, then what is? As far as I know, PoMA is a dark world where disrespectful actions like that wouldn’t be forgiven, especially when they’re already mortal enemies. It’s not like there are any known consequences for killing the MC unless we go by what Yang Bohai said during training. Just because the MC doesn’t have plot armor 100% of the time doesn’t mean he doesn’t have it. If that weren’t the case, he’d already be dead a long time ago.
when did the xiantian thing from the investigation thing happen? i thought they said protectors of those small places are like mid to late houtian cus they're pretty much useless for higher cultivation or higher ranks in the sect or sumn


Well-known member
when did the xiantian thing from the investigation thing happen? i thought they said protectors of those small places are like mid to late houtian cus they're pretty much useless for higher cultivation or higher ranks in the sect or sumn
I thought he was X too because my Mc was pretty powerless against him. He could be late houtian though


Well-known member
Guys, i'm thinking that maybe mc got a power up before that first stage. Suddenly nicky putting a option where mc just flaunts his power... it never happened before (only in dialogue, but not in a narrator speaking kinda option) he seems like a FACT and not just arrogance. Hope i'm right
yeah this seems to be one of the optional early power ups, probably asura activating or maybe when mc said ENOUGHT!! on the demon executing squad fight he advanced to the equivalent of peak houtian in qi gathering.


Well-known member
yeah this seems to be one of the optional early power ups, probably asura activating or maybe when mc said ENOUGHT!! on the demon executing squad fight he advanced to the equivalent of peak houtian in qi gathering.
Isn’t Mc already there though? Pretty sure it was confirmed in blood hunter fight Mc strength was comparable to a newly entered peak hountian. Plus pretty sure Niki is saving power up for later fight and we are supposed to be an early X equivalent before the book ends. So should happen before tournament ends I bet.