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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Well-known member
Do you mean the 7-8k attack having the same effect as GS/bomb? Also I think we lost point of this overall conversation which is about Ruo transfo not LC damage. Mc stats and GS are separate so you can't include MH MC and MH Ruo as being the same for why his transfo isn't actually that strong

His body still had a boost even though it was still

It was more a matter of LC being weakened by Ruo and Xiwen so he was unable to react
No, I don't mean that someone with 7k~8k has the same power as the bomb or the GS blow, far from it, I mean that someone with these stats in an opportune situation could also decapitate LC.

I agree that we got a bit off point, fortunately not too much. I wasn't comparing MC to Ruo directly, but rather their feats of hurting LC.

The point of the discussion is Ruo's power when transformed. We can't say exactly how much stronger he gets, but we can estimate. My intention in mentioning LC and the rogues was to say that although the transformation provides a big boost, it doesn't actually double Ruo's power, otherwise he could have done more in both situations.


Active member
yeah in terms of power mc def is ph but qi stages are really vague theres not a measure of it, like how far are we on the realm? do we have the same benefits of aura that long chen had when he was one step away from xiantian? we already possess the conditions to ascend to qi sea? how does one ascend at this point? i just feel that qi cultivation is too vague to stamp mc as a late houtian or peak houtian regardless of how powerfull he is
yh but we all know it varies,the power levels arent the same as when we absorbed the first stone and when we had a brief encounter with chu munchen yknow?


Well-known member
I assume its Shen Long Mu, Is she a noble goddess or something? From what we've seen, everyone seems to think she's the end of the world. And who's her champion?


Must be shen long mu
I don't think it's shen long mu because the goddess who is speaking doesn't sound like someone who will destroy a whole world like her maybe we will meet her later or hear more about her but right now nothing can be sure with so little information


Well-known member
I don't think it's shen long mu because the goddess who is speaking doesn't sound like someone who will destroy a whole world like her maybe we will meet her later or hear more about her but right now nothing can be sure with so little information
Eh that’s how they act to manipulate you, act like they are the good one here to help and kill the demonic people


Eh that’s how they act to manipulate you, act like they are the good one here to help and kill the demonic people
But in that sneak peek she wasn't acting or trying to manipulate anyone it was more like we were seeing her PoV

And I find the sneak peek strange because of the different font of text which is unusual


Could be the woman yue fang was protecting
How did you come to such a conclusion in the first place?

And I believe the woman Yue Fang was protecting is Shen Jingjing because one of the decisions is telling her to leave her friend behind who I think is Yue Fang of course I am not 100% sure but its more logical than the rest


New member
Guess we're finally gonna see what an unpoisoned Blood Hunter can do. Hopefully we can flirt a bit before we fight