So... What do you people expect from the next update? To be honest, I'd like Nicky to take a break from story progression. Focus on smaller things, you know? Like correcting some errors in the writing and coding, finally giving some content to the "activities" as well as to the "visit someone", finishing the "characters menu", adding a "perks menu", etc...
Something I'd really like would be the creation of a real ranking for the PHs, like, it's said that only the Top 10 get a ranking, but somehow we know that Liu Mogui is in the top 17. We can only speculate the minimum to get into the Top 10 thanks to the fact that Long Chen's Rating has been revealed, 1297.
So as far as mechanics, the incomplete ones would be Arena, visit someone, activities, local gossips. Arena i guess will we added as the game gets updated. Imo Activities are fine as money making stuff but i wouldnt be against more. There are like only 6-7 gossip events in total, i'd like more internal, external and outside the sect lore. Idk the purpose of Visit someone section. Is it to spend time with RO's or NPC's? Theres already a lot of content missing for RO's except Ai and Mei. Idk if Niki can find time for that. Some routes are missing in game so that needs working.
Its best if Niki takes a break and works on minor stuff as you said. Second stage of the tourney is over and theres 2 more left. Do some minor stuff, add small events or if he can add RO events, and after thats done go to the 3v3 tourney stage with a fresh mind. Its only going to get tough to write scenes from now on especially fights. We barely had real team fights in game with characters and MC actually displaying some kind of teamwork. So that might be new for Niki to write if he plans on teamwork being there at all in the 3v3s.
And the character menu, man It irked me that i couldnt check about characters from other sects. It would show character glossary is unlocked but theres nothing in there. Perks menu would be nice. Or even a changelog kinda menu where you can see how your characters progress, Increase in attributes, new perks and talents shown in chronological order with our stage. But i think itd be a lot of work.
Yeah top 10 rankings along with the approximate rating of like some threshold places, like ranking 10, 5 and 1 should always show their rating. I know its a lot of work to keep changing the rating as the other characters might fight in the arena too so best make it a approximate rating. On top of that, itd be nice to show the rankings of side characters or some imp characters we meet along the way, No need to add rankings after top 10 except for those characters like Liu Mogui. Adding MC's ranking would be too much work but us having rating and the top 10's rating not specified gives us no leeway to compare our position with them. Niki has a lot of stuff to tune in regards to Arena thats for sure.