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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Well-known member
Wow when can we expect a demo? Haven't tried any new IF in a minute but damn that sounds good, you said the m ros are better, are f!ros players screwed like poma and AC m!ros players?
The m!ROs in AC are not bad, I don't know why you say that. Honestly, I've played the game with a FMC, and everyone's reactions seem more fun to me than with the MMC.


Well-known member
That I do not know, it’s a lot of branching he’s doing I think there’s 12 cultivation paths that players will be able to choose. And for the Ros it’s not that F!ros players are screwed I just do not find them as interesting as the Male Ros, there is one Female RO that I find very interesting and intintriguing
Romance isn't the main reason I play these games so I will be fine


That I do not know, it’s a lot of branching he’s doing I think there’s 12 cultivation paths that players will be able to choose. And for the Ros it’s not that F!ros players are screwed I just do not find them as interesting as the Male Ros, there is one Female RO that I find very interesting and intriguing.
i here the shortcut IF so often but what does it actualy mean?


i would like to know what masters i can have and how to get them i know you can have
yang bohai
ma rin
chu aiguo
monkey god
demon queen as masters dont know if i missed some i also know how to get yang and mokney god but what about the rest?


i would like to know what masters i can have and how to get them i know you can have
yang bohai
ma rin
chu aiguo
monkey god
demon queen as masters dont know if i missed some i also know how to get yang and mokney god but what about the rest?
Yup you can only have those 4.

YB if you are evil or kill mo long before and he will offer support if you become his disciple
Chu if you have saint above 60 and good relationship with Ai.
Ma rin if you have beautiful perk and are male.
Monkey god if you refuse all others and have above 0 in void dao.

DQ can't be a master but you can get adopted by her if you kill Mo long.


Yup you can only have those 4.

YB if you are evil or kill mo long before and he will offer support if you become his disciple
Chu if you have saint above 60 and good relationship with Ai.
Ma rin if you have beautiful perk and are male.
Monkey god if you refuse all others and have above 0 in void dao.

DQ can't be a master but you can get adopted by her if you kill Mo long.
so im male beautifull with max char and i didnt get her but it seems like letting mo long live has only downsides


Well-known member
so im male beautifull with max char and i didnt get her but it seems like letting mo long live has only downsides
Only if you dont care for demon queen destroying the rests of wu clan, more recomended for evil wu heir routes, for ma rin you have to accept the mission to investigate xiwen, get his trust and receive his letter after the coma, i dont know if affects something but you can kneel and "do the deed" for ma rin.

She is a bad master honestly, barely any content or rewards with her and she disowns you after being deformed.


Only if you dont care for demon queen destroying the rests of wu clan, more recomended for evil wu heir routes, for ma rin you have to accept the mission to investigate xiwen, get his trust and receive his letter after the coma, i dont know if affects something but you can kneel and "do the deed" for ma rin.

She is a bad master honestly, barely any content or rewards with her and she disowns you after being deformed.
well i did all that beside kneeling for her because i aint some pet so i dont think i missed out on this and DQ i will do next playthroug im gonna make a yujiro hanma big and full of muscle a unit like no other and this will be demonic :devilish:


Well-known member
Umm... I read the most recent Q&A... I don't know why I still insist. I swear, there are so many stupid questions, only 3 or 4 useful ones were asked. I don't understand why people insist on wasting their questions, especially those directed at Ruo, he never answers anything useful, he's just arrogant, deluded or purely ignorant.

Not just Ruo, but most of the characters are simply useless to ask questions to in the Q&A, as most will say something arrogant, try to humiliate the MC or simply ignore/avoid the question.

I mean, I know that fans ask "stupid questions" for entertainment and fun. I also know that it's a matter of perspective. But I can't help but find it frustrating and a pure waste.