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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Well-known member
Pretty sure it’s illegal and would probably get MC into trouble, that’s probably why he didn’t. What about beasts do they have Qi? Yeah I doubt hunting martial artists would be a thing, we literally had a mission hunting ML for that. But then there’s blood hunter, it’s more like 1vs1s he hunted so maybe that way? Going around challenging death fights could work so nvm, but hunting I think would not be okay? Remember it’s okay for some people to break conduct but not the MC. I think death fights would be more better like making a list and going around.
All beasts don't have Inner Energy so hunting them would be useless. Hunting Marital Artists would be ok for a havoc member like BH not an ascension member
It's at times like this that you think, “What a shame the MC isn't from Havoc Sect”, then you remember all the countless negative aspects and think, “Never mind”.

In any case, it would be nice to have at least one mission every now and then to eliminate bandits or troublemakers. Something that would earn at least 7~10 Qi.


Well-known member
It's at times like this that you think, “What a shame the MC isn't from Havoc Sect”, then you remember all the countless negative aspects and think, “Never mind”.

In any case, it would be nice to have at least one mission every now and then to eliminate bandits or troublemakers. Something that would earn at least 7~10 Qi.
Btw for scaling purposes. Niki said that the DES squad was basically 5 yeongs with perfect teamwork. Yang Gan could beat 12 yeongs and Ruo could beat 2 yeongs with his transformation during the rebels fight


Well-known member
It's at times like this that you think, “What a shame the MC isn't from Havoc Sect”, then you remember all the countless negative aspects and think, “Never mind”.

In any case, it would be nice to have at least one mission every now and then to eliminate bandits or troublemakers. Something that would earn at least 7~10 Qi.
Funny thing that this was the original artifacts right? Before he nerfed them to a set number? 3 now? Pretty sure they complained about it being too easy lol


Well-known member
I'd like to see more of the devil creeping up and us resisting it. I liked how it was done when we get angry at the MAs who were just observing frozen Ai like creeps, with the devil whispering thoughts and us choosing to resist it. Imagine the mad look we might have had before choosing to calm down. Would love to see POV's of such scenarios. An inner battle.
Its time for people start respecting us, bunch of trash acting like the situation was a entertaining show, i Just didnt killed them on the spot because i was worried about ai in case of devil break and because there was no option to do It "sober".


Well-known member
I think it could be one of the ways MC will grow tbh, seems like Wu Heir is at their best when back is against the wall and desperate. Literally that’s when MC gets most creative with Dao. I can’t say much about using Dao in different ways, probably saving these options for when MC gets more memories and stronger. It’s sucks because you’re right we have GS and should make our techniques better, thing is we have no consistent art now to even improve on like with IE. Like I’ve seen Elemental Dao used great in Novels. Sword Dao is going to be busted if it’s like novels. Void Dao is used so differently in Novels here it’s mostly for teleporting which is cool, but very boring. Body Dao don’t get me started just blah. MC needs to grow their mentality tbh. I think we’ll start seeing it hopefully during later rounds. Every battle doesn’t have to be dragged out, like the shadow person instantly wiped out if you choose so. Also would love to see more of MC training even though it most likely happens off screen, I would love to see MC or acting different things with and without Dao tbh
Same feelings, It just annoys me how all daos are boring and without a focous or technique, body dao is just qi punch or qi barrier, in very rare ocasions a body enhancement, elemental is just freestyle and void is always teleporting into people.

I am the student of Chu Aiguo for **** sake, where is My Water Dragon Technique? Ocean Wavve that turns into ice when It hits the enemy? Water Appendages maybe? it Just bores me...where is the using the void as a blade to cut space, teleporting people to impossible spaces like in the middle of a wall, doing the whole takes your attack into the void and send It back 5x stronger, turning every single part of our body into a weapons or even using strange stuff like manipulating your body to appear spineless, or use your hair as a weapons, some really freak baki stuff.


Well-known member
Same feelings, It just annoys me how all daos are boring and without a focous or technique, body dao is just qi punch or qi barrier, in very rare ocasions a body enhancement, elemental is just freestyle and void is always teleporting into people.

I am the student of Chu Aiguo for **** sake, where is My Water Dragon Technique? Ocean Wavve that turns into ice when It hits the enemy? Water Appendages maybe? it Just bores me...where is the using the void as a blade to cut space, teleporting people to impossible spaces like in the middle of a wall, doing the whole takes your attack into the void and send It back 5x stronger, turning every single part of our body into a weapons or even using strange stuff like manipulating your body to appear spineless, or use your hair as a weapons, some really freak baki stuff.
Eh I actually think all of that will eventually come, remember this is a series. Some things MC will do in the future we will look back at this and laugh. For Void since that’s the path I will always take, I feel like MG training was a hint saying we are lowly and can’t force it and have to guide it. I think future MC will be able to force the Void to do what we want capabilities of Void is endless. I actually really like elemental form too, there’s so many cool things MC can do with elements so I would not be worried. Now for body I find it too boring for now, but it should have great potential if used right.