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Well-known member
I replied to the question, but even that seems to have vanished. The author usually releases each chapter on patreon and then does 3 chapters at once publically, but she said on tumblr that this last chapter has taken two months to write and she's still working on it due to personal stuff, so it might be longer than usual between the last update and the next one. I do respect her for pausing patreon subscriptions though, I don't think a lot of authors would do that.
Just saw that too. Thanks for updating us. We can wait.


Lmao, what? A Choicescript game on Itch? Is that even legal?
technically it is, people are allowed to publish their own games wherever they want in the condition they aren't charging for it.

and the honor bound writer said they're publishing the demo on itch.io so it's easier for some people to follow the updates, but they don't plan on releasing the full game on there


New member
Does anyone know of any WIPs that are based on a dating reality show? I've played Summer of Love, Body Count and Buried Love, but I don't know of any others and the latter two haven't been updated in over a year (which is fine but I need my fix)