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Well-known member
Does anyone know of any WIPs that are based on a dating reality show? I've played Summer of Love, Body Count and Buried Love, but I don't know of any others and the latter two haven't been updated in over a year (which is fine but I need my fix

Does anyone know of any WIPs that are based on a dating reality show? I've played Summer of Love, Body Count and Buried Love, but I don't know of any others and the latter two haven't been updated in over a year (which is fine but I need my fix)
There's one called marriage mansion. Hang on.


Well-known member
Does anyone know of any WIPs that are based on a dating reality show? I've played Summer of Love, Body Count and Buried Love, but I don't know of any others and the latter two haven't been updated in over a year (which is fine but I need my fix)
I'll get u the link.Here: https://marriagemansion.itch.io/

Here's one more. Its a demo but its good : https://arcade.gamesalad.com/games/...4Ib2YcqP0WLRGae40zJHV1m_bnhy_047KI8IB2AruWXcM
This is called game of love.
