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Well-known member
Inni autorzy też tak robią, szczerze mówiąc. Np.: autor Infaous nie rozumie, dlaczego ludzie narzekają, że główny bohater czuje się jak przegrany, i upiera się, że tak nie jest.
Kiedy jesteś autorem i masz pewną wizję, może być bardzo trudno spojrzeć na swoje pisanie z boku. Ja osobiście potrzebuję czegoś takiego jak... kilka tygodni niepatrzenia na mój tekst, aby móc spojrzeć na niego świeżym okiem, i mamma mia, czy zmiana w postrzeganiu może być całkowitym momentem wtf. Ale właśnie po to jest opinia publiczna. Aby zobaczyć, jak inni postrzegają twój tekst. Lekceważenie takiej opinii wydaje się... marnotrawstwem.
Omgh. The piracy website has the most reasonable reviews and comments about IF games xDD


Active member
I personally feel there's a bit of a rift between what's said and what's shown re: MC and it has nothing to do with 7 leaving. Consider that MC is supposed to be talented, yes? Well, they and their band wouldn't have gotten on the show without outside help, so how talented can they be really? Seven and their band did, btw, and even became fan-favorites. So who's better off alone/actually talented, huh?
That's because the whole "outside help" plot point is needed to create the drama.
So there might be legit reasons for people to feel that way.
But mostly I was making an observation regarding cases where authors see one thing and fans another, not trying to equal them or argue for anything.
be aware of saying anything about infamous... the fans will jump at you xD


Active member
be aware of saying anything about infamous... the fans will jump at you xD
Lol that's an irresistible cue for me to jump in:p

In general - not just with IF, or even just with people writing fiction at all - I think people have the tendency to conflate listening to someone's feedback about something you're doing and not agreeing with simply not listening at all. You (general you) can totally just agree to disagree about what someone thinks you should do with your book/movie/romantic relationship/children/whatever and still respect and appreciate the person's opinion. I think it's clear Amy just doesn't agree with the criticism, and that's fine.
(Personally I don't get the MC is a loser allegations myself, at least not about anything BotB related. Sometimes stuff like the mother's day special makes me raise an eyebrow and go "wait, do you guys not have a place where you periodically perform??" But trying to pinpoint the level of success and fame the band should be at stresses me out so I always stop myself, lol)


Well-known member
I think it's clear Amy just doesn't agree with the criticism, and that's fine.
I find it interesting how some authors are blamed for sticking to their vision, while others are applauded for that.
Please don't misunderstand, I don't have anything against Infamous (so there's no need to unalive me). I just enjoy analyzing stuff. From my POV, if many people talk about smth you don't see in your own writing, it might hint at internal consistency issues. Buuut I'm not invested into it enough to argue about that, esp re: a popular IF like Infamous. I want to live lol


Active member
Oh don't worry, I don't think you were saying that at all. It was meant as a general comment because this discussion made me think about how an audience can view a work vs how the author views it. No debonings from me today lmao, I also think it's fun to look at what's received well and what isn't.

I can't comment too much on AtoC because I've only done A's route and I thought it was fine (very annoying how there's no back button since its doing the whole otome VN "only one way is the right way" deal though), but I'll spitball a little while I'm here, why not lol. I think part of the disconnect might be in part because as readers of a WIP, watching it develop little by little, it can feel like the pacing is slower than it is 🤔 And we might not feel that way if we had access to the whole thing and read it at once. And of course the author knows how it'll all unfold, so they could be looking at it going "but xyz is going to happen after abc! It'll all work out!", totally disagreeing. (To circle back to my Infamous brainrot (sorry!), I think that's part of the backlash, besides overhype. I was reading some comments on the reddit when c3 came out and saw people complaining about Seven's route not having much progress so far, but... it's only been a week since you've been forced to see each other all the time again! The teeny amount of dethawing so far makes sense imo.)

Personally with A's AtoC route I thought the pacing was fine, but I might be weird tbh. I'm a romance fan but a lot of the time the accelerated pacing where people are in love after a month max can be suspension of disbelief breaking so I'm chill about taking things slow. Of course this can also lead to fumbling the end and they have to rush the end, which is also bad and is even worse feeling when its a WIP you were following. Maybe we all just need to quit WIPs, lol

sorry for all the rambling
ive done all AtoC routes (and also played chap 3 of infamous lol) and i agree with you on the pacing points. i almost find it unrealistic whenever an IF, or i guess any romance story, has all characters immediately fawning over and falling in love with the MC in very little time (unless falling hard and fast is specifically their personality, i guess ?).

infamous and AtoC deal with romance development in different ways (e.g, when considering something like the 7 route, they're someone the MC has a lot of history, whether romantic or not, whereas all AtoC characters are strangers to the MC at first, that's going to have a repercusion in how you go about writing the romance), but i find both to be good. mostly because both authors are good at writing character interactions, in different ways. of course, pacing will feel slower than it actually is when you're only getting a small section of the whole story at the time, so yeah, maybe we should all just stop complaining and quit WIPs lmao

Hackett Thrail

Well-known member
you're patient, i gave up on wip and the author when all they talked about was politics
Lmao thanks, I don't mind ignoring political posts if the IF is good, even if I disagree with it but holy **** does the author spend a heck of a time posting and reblogging politics... Like, use your personal blog instead of the game one but nah, since it has more followers, it's the one that gets all the nonsense.

Honestly, the IF's only saving grace is the fact it's terrific, otherwise... I wouldn't even bother.