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Active member
since i assume talking about itch.io games is alright here, does anyone know if A Tale Of Crowns is close to being updated? or what the status of that game is at all? it got semi-regular updates every 5-6 months until august last year, and it hasn't been updated since. im not worried about it being abandoned, since the author still updates their patreon and such with side stories and all that, but i am curious about the main game


Well-known member
since i assume talking about itch.io games is alright here, does anyone know if A Tale Of Crowns is close to being updated? or what the status of that game is at all? it got semi-regular updates every 5-6 months until august last year, and it hasn't been updated since. im not worried about it being abandoned, since the author still updates their patreon and such with side stories and all that, but i am curious about the main game
The latest update post I was able to find on the Tumblr blog was from April, and from what I understand progress reports are Patreon-only.
Side-note: I personally heavily dislike the practice of locking progress reports behind a paywall, like I can get this for the extra content, but for progress reports? Alright, you don't wanna make it as detailed as the paid version, just write a couple lines of text instead smth


Active member
The latest update post I was able to find on the Tumblr blog was from April, and from what I understand progress reports are Patreon-only.
Side-note: I personally heavily dislike the practice of locking progress reports behind a paywall, like I can get this for the extra content, but for progress reports? Alright, you don't wanna make it as detailed as the paid version, just write a couple lines of text instead smth
oh yeah, i agree 100%. i think standard practice should be to at least write a short update post when necessary, even if you want to keep a longer, more detailed version behind a paywall. well, thanks anyways! i was thinking about joining their discord or something, but the fact that i have to do that sort of thing to have the chance to find out anything about the game's progress when they're more than fine with putting up patreon previews on tumblr is... a choice


Well-known member
since i assume talking about itch.io games is alright here, does anyone know if A Tale Of Crowns is close to being updated? or what the status of that game is at all? it got semi-regular updates every 5-6 months until august last year, and it hasn't been updated since. im not worried about it being abandoned, since the author still updates their patreon and such with side stories and all that, but i am curious about the main game
from what i remember, she got a lot of hate and criticism for X sleeping around while trying to pursue the MC (a lot of people were just kinda disappointed in that even tho that was X's "unhealthy coping mechanism") and when people tried to explain their opinions, she just shut them down
and since then she just kinda disappeared from tumblr, she answeres some asks from time to time and she reblogs????? stuff but no progress reports whatsoever
recently she also got an ask about Kurdish culture (which the game is based on) and this person was very racist and disrespectful to which she replied that "the authors are easily accessible" and that's why they get a lot of hate comments, criticism and stuff like that
so based on that i don't think that she wants to involve herself in the community, that's why the progress reports are behind a paid wall


Well-known member
she got a lot of hate and criticism for X sleeping around while trying to pursue the MC (a lot of people were just kinda disappointed
Not trying to be offensive here but those people that criticise her also got a point. X is reluctant to sleep with MC (someone she knows well for a short time) and basically discarded MC to sleep with a stranger (farmer's son or daughter if I remember correctly) that they just met like last afternoon.

As a player I could understand the frustration. However as an author, I know she planned X as a char that sleeps around, and I think it should be handled better rather than belittled her readers.


Well-known member
Not trying to be offensive here but those people that criticise her also got a point. X is reluctant to sleep with MC (someone she knows well for a short time) and basically discarded MC to sleep with a stranger (farmer's son or daughter if I remember correctly) that they just met like last afternoon.

As a player I could understand the frustration. However as an author, I know she planned X as a char that sleeps around, and I think it should be handled better rather than belittled her readers.
I have... opinions on AToC. It feels like the author has a very rigid vision of how the game should be, and isn't taking kindly to ideas that diverge from it. Example: high and low romance routes. That depend on picking the dialogue options that the author considers to be "correct". And none of this is explained in the game itself.
So you either think like the author or suffer.


Active member
I have... opinions on AToC. It feels like the author has a very rigid vision of how the game should be, and isn't taking kindly to ideas that diverge from it. Example: high and low romance routes. That depend on picking the dialogue options that the author considers to be "correct". And none of this is explained in the game itself.
So you either think like the author or suffer.
the author should've just written a novel instead, if she couldn't take criticisms and suggestions with an open and calm mind.
if X still hasn't shown any character development up until now (chapter 11), i'm a bit skeptical they would be a proper LI until the end of the story (just my two cents).


Well-known member
Not trying to be offensive here but those people that criticise her also got a point. X is reluctant to sleep with MC (someone she knows well for a short time) and basically discarded MC to sleep with a stranger (farmer's son or daughter if I remember correctly) that they just met like last afternoon.

As a player I could understand the frustration. However as an author, I know she planned X as a char that sleeps around, and I think it should be handled better rather than belittled her readers.
its okay honestly!! im also with those people that were disappointed, i just wanted to stay neutral?? kinda. what i didn't like the most was the fact how she handled this situation. i understand this is her game, her idea, and her concept but calling people stupid only because she sees this scene differently is too much. people tried to explain why they felt that way and she was like "that's a coping mechanism and you guys are weird for thinking otherwise and besides they have known each other for a month (??) and they are not in a relationship. grow up". its not even about the whole scene because as i said, it's her story and she can write what she wants, but it is the lack of communication between her and her audience


Well-known member
I have... opinions on AToC. It feels like the author has a very rigid vision of how the game should be, and isn't taking kindly to ideas that diverge from it. Example: high and low romance routes. That depend on picking the dialogue options that the author considers to be "correct". And none of this is explained in the game itself.
So you either think like the author or suffer.
yeah, i think that the biggest problem here is that nothing is really explained. maybe some indicators would be a nice addition or something???
also, better character introductions would help for example: this is X, they are a mercenary and actually have a really bad coping mechanism which is sleeping around with people
i guess that would clear some misunderstandings that people might have
on the other hand, i also understand her. no one likes to be criticized, especially their work, but i think that as an author you should be able to handle some constructive criticism thrown your way and don't get offended. some people actually try to help authors be better at what they do and help them improve so idk


Well-known member
i understand this is her game, her idea, and her concept but calling people stupid only because she sees this scene differently is too much.

no one likes to be criticized, especially their work, but i think that as an author you should be able to handle some constructive criticism thrown your way and don't get offended.

Other authors do this too, tbf. Ex: the Infamous author not understanding why people complain about the MC feeling like a loser, insisting they are not.
When you are the author and have a certain vision, it can be very difficult to look at your writing from aside. I, personally, need smth like... several weeks of not looking at my text to be able to look at it with fresh eyes, and mamma mia, can the change in perception be a total wtf moment. But that's what the public feedback is for. To see how others perceive your text. Being dismissive of such feedback seems... wasteful.


Active member
its okay honestly!! im also with those people that were disappointed, i just wanted to stay neutral?? kinda. what i didn't like the most was the fact how she handled this situation. i understand this is her game, her idea, and her concept but calling people stupid only because she sees this scene differently is too much. people tried to explain why they felt that way and she was like "that's a coping mechanism and you guys are weird for thinking otherwise and besides they have known each other for a month (??) and they are not in a relationship. grow up". its not even about the whole scene because as i said, it's her story and she can write what she wants, but it is the lack of communication between her and her audience
i remember following her on tumblr during this whole debacle and being very ??? about the whole thing. i would have understood it if the comments on that scene were particularly mean or something (perhaps she simply decided to not post them, but having followed her for a bit she's not shy about posting criticism like that and shutting it down), but they mostly just seemed like observations and comments on the scene, which doesn't seem like something you should dismiss out of hand as an author.

honestly, it's a shame, i really, really do enjoy ATOC but the lack of transparency from the author and, to be honest, the animosity that she seems to have for some parts of her readers do turn me off from it


New member
I haven't kept up with this game in a long while, but I remember back when people were asking for even something as innocuous as the ability to set the characters' genders instead of it being randomized (as it remains till this day, to my knowledge). And the author was kinda snippy about it for seemingly no reason. So yeah, can't really say I'm surprised by any pigheadedness on her part


Well-known member
Other authors do this too, tbf. Ex: the Infamous author not understanding why people complain about the MC feeling like a loser, insisting they are not.
i would have to disagree with you on that one.
authors usually give you the freedom to build your own character: facial features, hair, height, but also personality. ofc some of the authors have personality set or semi set MC, but overall you have the freedom to create whatever character you want (with obvious limitations being the choices that the authors write). i don't think that my MC is a loser. why would i think that?? its me who makes he choices and im not a loser (or i would like to think that). besides, the story has only 3 chapters, what character development could you want? the whole purpose of the story is to be on a show, possibly win, and have relationships either platonic or romantic. i dont blame amy for shutting it down because its YOU who makes the MC XD you are the player, she only writes the story. she gives you tools to choose your own destiny, but its you who plays the game. i don't really get why people think the MC is a loser. because 7 left??? because everyone makes MC do stuff they don't want?? (example: when mc and victoria went to see g and the whole ordeal after with the photos and g being cut off of it), everyone in this story is after MC bc, wow, surprise, they're the main character XD and those scandals are there because MC interacts with the cast. how else would you want this to go?
besides a tale of crowns situation with X and amys situation with MC is a completely different thing bc as i said YOU create your own MCs by choices and X is already made with preset personality


Well-known member
i would have to disagree with you on that one.
authors usually give you the freedom to build your own character: facial features, hair, height, but also personality. ofc some of the authors have personality set or semi set MC, but overall you have the freedom to create whatever character you want (with obvious limitations being the choices that the authors write). i don't think that my MC is a loser. why would i think that?? its me who makes he choices and im not a loser (or i would like to think that). besides, the story has only 3 chapters, what character development could you want? the whole purpose of the story is to be on a show, possibly win, and have relationships either platonic or romantic. i dont blame amy for shutting it down because its YOU who makes the MC XD you are the player, she only writes the story. she gives you tools to choose your own destiny, but its you who plays the game. i don't really get why people think the MC is a loser. because 7 left??? because everyone makes MC do stuff they don't want?? (example: when mc and victoria went to see g and the whole ordeal after with the photos and g being cut off of it), everyone in this story is after MC bc, wow, surprise, they're the main character XD and those scandals are there because MC interacts with the cast. how else would you want this to go?
besides a tale of crowns situation with X and amys situation with MC is a completely different thing bc as i said YOU create your own MCs by choices and X is already made with preset personality

I personally feel there's a bit of a rift between what's said and what's shown re: MC and it has nothing to do with 7 leaving. Consider that MC is supposed to be talented, yes? Well, they and their band wouldn't have gotten on the show without outside help, so how talented can they be really? Seven and their band did, btw, and even became fan-favorites. So who's better off alone/actually talented, huh?
That's because the whole "outside help" plot point is needed to create the drama.
So there might be legit reasons for people to feel that way.
But mostly I was making an observation regarding cases where authors see one thing and fans another, not trying to equal them or argue for anything.
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