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Something from your childhood you miss now

Itachi the Kinslayer

Respected Knight
Staff member
Approved Releaser
Simple life in the village through a child's eyes, even though my daily schedule was basically always the same lol; breakfast with grandparents, watching cartoons, playing outside with animals and friends, lunch, cartoons again lol, outside one more time and than dinner following with me being put into bed by grandma and going into sleep while she was reading childbooks

Fatal Sin

My half sister, she wasn't just my best friend she was my rock. Always made me laugh when I wanted to cry, taught me how to be strong and to not GAF about what others think. She lives in France now with her boyfriend so sadly we don't see each other more than once or twice a year.


Well-known member
Actually, it's nice that most of you fellow creatures of the night / mod have fond memories that you will not get to experience again.
I know, sounds weird, it'll make sense I promise!
In my case, the rest of my childhood memories are mostly similar to young Harry Potter's — living with the Dursleys but with closer relatives — which is why I'm glad to be considered an adult by the adults/bullies.
Now I can finally be a grownup-loner-nerd :p

Ps: Besides, thanks to growing up, the internet, Anne Rice and a very recent gender swapped version of a very vilified teenage vampire romance, I've discovered games and the (moderate I swear, your honor!) vamp culture!


Active member
Something from my childhood I miss now is the fun times when I don't worry about everything 😔