No offense to you or any other but will y'all shut up? I'm getting tired of this same thing getting repeated over and over like a broken record.
A simple trick,
Whenever you click on the the link of Dei' mods in this forum it'll take you to download button with ten seconds count.
Then when clicked on that download, it'll take you to UPLOADRAR hosting site [Dei' presumably uses this cause every 100/50 or so successful downloads the uplader gets a cent or so]. In UPLOADRAR press on FREE DOWNLOAD (usually a hard press works instead of a feather tap

From here on the problem of you peeps starts, if the link goes BLANK or redirects TO ANOTHER THIRD PARTY SITE? THEN IT'S THE RANDOM AD, GO BACK AND TRY PRESSING ON
should take you to a page with 12 seconds countdown (then again make sure the current page isn't redirected to another site or a blank site).
Create Download Link. Again shouldn't go to blank/another third party site (Hard press works usually). This should take you to
File Download Link Generated page.
Again hard press usually works, shouldn't redirect to blank/third party site.
Click Here To Download, this button when not redirected should give you to
ACTUAL file (and if you got a file with the game name but it's blank/can't install? Then rename and add
.apk at the end of the file.

@userdied that frustration wasn't
actually diverted towards you.]
@Daniel this is actually the problem we talked earlier and a simple workaround/solution. Let the peeps know, I never got malware/wrong files/blank files or anything like that so far. I always got what there is from Dei' uploadrar files.