The software Dan uses requires Windows 7 or later. It's a bit too complicated for a phone due to the menu builder thing. You could do the rest on a phone. ChoiceScript games are essentially just websites. The wrapper that holds it together has some formatting instructions to make it useable on a mobile device, but it's essentially just loading the index HTML file into webview and running various JavaScript files (from the ChoiceScript engine) for the actual functions, much like a website would. It's a bit more in depth than that, but it's not too complicated. The software Dan uses is converting that website into an APK (Android app) in its own wrapper. Dei does it by preserving CoG's in house wrapper and just repacking it with the changes, patching out the license check (there are various tools to do this, and since you seem to be interested in using a phone, Lucky Patcher would be the most popular) and signing it with the test key (on a phone APK Explorer & Editor can do this). If you have anything specific in mind, let me know, and I'll try to provide more context.