I love when people are so confidently wrong. It’s kinda funny.
So, first, I use they/them, though I doubt any of you respect that since you don’t actually see authors as people with lives and feelings.
Second, I’ve never been associated with the Sherlock IF. That’s Dori’s. I know media literacy is dropping, but just because a name starts with a D doesn’t mean they’re the same people. All my ifs have my name in the bio.
Third, for you whining about IDT, it’s a spin-off for a reason. It spoils Disenchanted, which isn’t completed, so of course I’m not posting the demo.
FOURTH, and finally, I don’t care about any of your opinions. I’m not holding my patrons at gunpoint; if they don’t like my content, they are free to unsubscribe.
Have the day you all deserve.