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Can anyone help please? I don't know how to get the game on my windows:(
The game is popular u can easily find many alternative links on Google. So, I find another alternative link to download, but I can't guarantee the link is safe or not.
a date with death expension dlc? anyone.. I've been looking for it so please don't remove this! thank you
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A link to A Mage Reborn: Book Two’s latest demo update!: https://cogdemos.ink/play/adam-rifky/a-mage-reborn-rewrite-patreon-build-jan-2024
So, first things first, the update: it is 27k words long, wraps up the Aulain arc, and for the most part contains brand new content. Please mind that a scene with incomplete choices is present early on in the update, as priority was given to resolving the update at an appropriate point (that is, at the very end of the Aulain arc). While there is only one path available to clear that segment, the choices in question do not carry significant long-term impacts. As such, please rest assured that you will not need to replay through the scene if you do not wish to.

A link to The Bastard of Camelot’s latest demo update!: https://llamagirl.itch.io/the-bastard-of-camelot-beta
Password: BetaBoc368
-The first day of the tournament, updated to include the dragons now - including the Dragon Friend™, working by Mordred's side. There's the possibility of meeting Callum early if you spend time with Gawain, and there's also some potential for conflict with your dragon friend if you chose not to approach the boy 👀.

-The bit between Arthur asking to meet outside to talk in private, up to and including the actual meeting, have been re-worked a bit; there's a bit more description, a change of scenery, and a little choice added there. Overall edit to the prose too.

-There's some small changes in Morgana's POV, too, when confronting Arthur.

A link to Mind Blind’s latest demo update!: https://cogdemos.ink/play/bardictype/mind-blind-dungeon-demo
What’s in this New Demo:
-Escape from the basement, with various ways to injure Andy/Liz while doing so (my favorite actually requires that Button fail a certain check, so please play around and don’t be afraid of suboptimizing your stats).

-Discover the consequences of being a klutz (or of having too high an Effort Score).

-Reunite with Operation Hemera.

-Have a minor freakout over your mother (possibly) having returned to Chicago.

-Decide which is more important: your brother or Vengeance.

-Novers also have one final chance to not be Cain to Nick’s Abel, if so desired (Grayson can get REALLY mad at this point, which was fun to write).

The new demo includes the post-Chapter 15 route of following ${Kent} into the tunnel, up until Vengeance-Route Chapter 18 and Normal-Route Chapter 17. (Don’t be taken aback by the shorter chapter counts: a lot more is included, but the chapters are now longer. If they seem too long, please let me know, as the merging was a recent change to try to tidy up all of the end’s branching.)

The normal route (aka following Kenzie down the tunnel in Chapter 15) includes ONLY the version where Button refused Shard’s help, however, as Shard’s assistance streamlines the entire dungeon escape, and I really want feedback on what is essentially a stricter version of the Aeon closet assignment (does it work, is it fun, do you have any other ideas on how to maim Andy/Liz?). It won’t break your game to accept Shard’s help in Chapter 14, but the scenes from mid-Chapter 15 on will play out as if you declined it.

February Schedule, Because This Is The End:

Feb 3rd: Chapters 15 – 17 – Vengeance failstate route and the escape-out-the-window route.

Feb 6th: Chapters 15 – 17 Shard’s help route.

Feb 10th: Chapters 18 and 19 for the “Save Nick” end route.

Feb 17th: Chapters 18 and 19 for the “Pursue Vengeance” end route.

Feb 21th: Chapters 18 – 19 for the “Join Vengeance” ending.

Feb 28th: All Shard-identity reveal endings (chapters 18-20), as well as a cover art reveal. (Yes, Shard gets an additional chapter all to themselves, because they’re special.)

March will be epilogue stories and beta testing, as well as accessibility mode and the new visuals/chapter screens (courtesy of my friend, Summer, who is way better at making things look pretty than I am).

It’s been over five years since I started writing Mind Blind (!!!), and there were multiple setbacks in my personal life and inside my personal head that sadly slowed things down, but we’re finally at the finish line! For real this time, with a set in stone schedule (even if I die in a freak ice cream truck collision, my sibling has instructions on how to go through with publication).

Thank you for everyone who reached out to let me know about dashingdon’s closure, and I’m sorry for not getting back to you. I apologize for not being as active in general as I want to be, and please know that all your support, both moral and monetary, has really been a lifeline. These past couple years have been, to put it in the most understated way possible, difficult. As I’ve been open about before, Mind Blind is inspired by my diagnosis with agoraphobia, and I still struggle with being “seen,” so to speak, when things go badly.

But things are going better. Mind Blind is finished. After multiple surgeries, my mom has bounced back from Stage 4 cancer (so the odds can go kick rocks).

Also, I got a dog.
